The man swore at workers after they were slow to bring his mother a wheelchair
A UK citizen has been sentenced to three months in jail in Dubai after “insulting” airport staff who were slow to bring his mother a wheelchair.
The unnamed man was originally issued a Dh 10,000 (£2,150) fine, but his appeal against this failed and his punishment was extended to a jail term on 6 November.
An airport employee told the court that the man swore at her after she had explained the airport’s wheelchair policy to him, telling him that “a wheelchair would be made available before boarding the bus”.
“When I tried to explain it to him, he insulted me using very bad language. I told the traveller that using such offensive language is not allowed at Dubai airport but he responded that he didn’t care.”
The employee then called the police, and a case was filed against the man in Dubai’s Criminal Court. Following an appeal, which he lost, the fine was escalated into a jail sentence, followed by immediate deportation.
Eh, I've been through Dubai on a layover. It's fine as long as you act normal and dress conservatively. Obviously there are people who can't or won't meet that standard but it's genuinely fine for most people.
Yea nah fuck that noise. I could dress in a burka wrapped around a hazmat suit and it would still take one "security" personnel to google me, see I'm queer, and hatecrime me with the full support of his autocratic, theocratic government.
Is it likely to happen? Prolly not. Do I want to take the risk? Nah, because it's just way too dumb of a reason to end up gang raped in a UAE prison. In fact I'll stick to democratic countries in general thankyouverymuch.
Yeah, absolutely. I didn't want to get into all the people who can't go through there without being at risk just for who they are. I'd never expect you or anyone else in the same situation to put yourself at risk just because the UAE doesn't care about a middle age white guy.
You're very much talking from the perspective of somebody who was raised in a society where speaking disrespectfully to strangers is tolerated. The Emirati authorities have put in place laws that reflect their values - one of which is that people should communicate with a civil tongue. If you are unable to do so then it's best you not go to the UAE.
Emirati authorities have put in place laws that reflect their values
Yeah how's those apostasy laws? Oh! Lookie there, it's death. Noice. But in fairness I wouldn't recommend the United States to folks based on my experience of having lived here all my life. So I think it's fair to live and let live at the end of the day.
That said, challenging a fine and that challenge resulting in an increased sentence encourages folks to accept guilt when it may not be due. I don't like it when they do it here in the US, I think it's fair to indicate that it's not liked anywhere else.
They put laws in place that reflect their desire for control. Is your head so far up your own ass that you think that the people setting those laws actually follow them?
There’s separate laws for the ruling class. They don’t give a flying fuck about “values”, they just want control
Why is the best defense for the actions of the UAE that "the west" has done it as well? I thought you guys wanted to be better than "the west". If we're such a poor example of morality, surpass us instead.
Why is homosexuality the big go to when looking to attack the UAE?
Why not? It fucking sucks and is against human rights, everywhere it happens. And it's quite a stark contrast for the UAE to behave like this great, modern society and still have this kind of dark age laws...
And that's a big reason for me to avoid such archaic countries in general.
I believe in cultural relativism, but I don't think it's an absolute. It only goes so far. It's just (like) my opinion (man), but anybody who reacts that way to an insult loses much more face or respect than a person who is big enough to have a measured and reasonable response, rather than taking months of a person's life as punishment for less than 30 seconds of speech.
There was a time that slavery was the custom in the US.
I'm not saying people should go around insulting everyone all day, I'm saying that using "cultural norms" as defense for any sort of punishment is dumb.
Just because it's normal, doesn't make it any less fucking stupid. Your argument is literally just more "it's just the way it is", which is again, fucking stupid. "appeal to tradition"
Again, that is what ALL legal systems do. Judeo-Christian "values" are what underpin legal systems in the Western world. The notion of "rights" and "privileges" stem from local tradition, they are not universal.
It isn't stupid to point out the truth but your inability to use civilized language is telling - it fully explains to me why you are so offended that somebody is being held to account for using impolite language for no justifiable reason.
Your clear sense of smug superiority is also pretty telling why you feel there's no problem here. Real "they aren't hurting the right people" energy. And you can't defend your argument with anything beyond "it's the way it is", so resort to ad hominem. Have a nice day Bruh
If your intention is to provide an explanation, that's a good point.
If your intention is to justify that law in a broad moral context then "it's the culture there" really isn't a valid justification, unless the point you want to make is that the country's culture is inconsistent with present day broad moral context, in which case it sounds about right.
If a vote was taken, of all the people of the West, and all the people of whatever you define as not the west, and you asked all the free people AND slaves whether they think slavery is good, what do YOU think the results would be? There's your Present Day Broad Moral Context. Nobody wants to be a slave. You don't want to be a slave. Slavery is bad for humans to do to one another. This is easy.
Have you never been to a busy bar, concert, restaurant, music festival, street fair, or sporting event before? Hell I’d say I’ve waited in line at an airport almost every other time I travel. When a big flight lands, the nearest bathroom often gets slammed. I’ve experienced this across the US and Europe.
I’m shocked anyone’s made it through life without queuing for the bathroom more than once.
Honestly, nope, never, except that one time. There are usually enough urinals or if I had to wait it was a minute max.
In my case at dubai airport at that time that specific terminal only had one restroom with two urinals, and there was a double queue from the urinals to the outside of the restrom, probably about 30 people long. It did not get any shorter for the hour and a half I was there - I waited.
You wouldn't have your sentence increased from a fine to a prison sentence for trying to appeal against it though. Let's not pretend that the legal system in Dubai and UK are similar
The initial sentence was a fine. The sentence on appeal was 3 months imprisonment. Why should people be allowed to verbally assault others with no recourse?
Because it should be considered free speech (i know, this is Dubai)..unless you physically cause a scene you shouldn't be arrested. Dubai is nuts, and this whole thing is nutters.
The guy is a dick, but a 10,000 dollar fine for being mean to someone? Come man, this isn't pre-school.
Did he hit the person, or just was rude, and inconsiderate? If it's the former. Sure, but if it's the later, then that's just unfortunately stuff you deal with when you're in customer service.
Because they are not 5 years old and bursting into tears when someone does it. Get a grip dude, the world isn’t full of nice people dancing around the campfire, someone removed at you for whatever reason out of your control is a normal day in the life of any customer service worker.
To fine an absurd amount and/or send them to
jail for 3 whole months?
If one person being an ass causes one to spiral bad enough to warrant that kind of sentences, I would hazard a guess that they are extremely likely on a wrong occupational path. There’s no way interactions like that aren’t weekly for everyone working any service gig.
I get that it has an effect and nobody should behave like that, but I can’t believe anyone would deem these as proportional punishments.
You likely get same 3 months jail here where I live (a western social democracy) for manslaughter, if you are first-time offender. Depending on a lot of course, but that anyone would consider these appropriate seems insane to me.
Section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986 regulates the intentional causing of harassment, alarm or distress. It is a summary offence, which means it is tried in the Magistrates Court. The maximum penalty for committing this offence is 6 months imprisonment or a fine. If the offence was racially aggravated, the Crown Court can impose a 2-year custodial sentence.
I don’t know UK law, but I’d be surprised if that would be applied in a similar case. Maybe someone can educate me here and give examples of such rulings, but I feel like the wording is so vague and wide, that this very same law could be applied to wildly different and much more serious and alarming cases, entirely on a different level.
If getting frustrated and calling a service worker names in a single, non-recurring instance, warrants anything more than a small fine at the very worst in the UK, I will be very surprised. But I’m willing to accept that’s a thing there, just not convinced by that quote alone.
“Pretty standard really” sounds very wild a statement, but then again, maybe UK is weird like that.
Edit: At this point I’m just very surprised to learn so many are of this opinion, so I’m just trying to get my bearings and understand if this is a common sentiment and way to look at things. I’d really like to know more if something like this truly is commonplace in a western country at this day and age.
“Why differentiate between physically abusing somebody and verbally?” Because of the obvious difference in severity. One insult doesn’t need medical attention, while a punch could put someone in the hospital.
proportional to what exactly? to your poor ass, or to the rich dubai native? I would say the latter, because, you know, it happened in dubai.
punishemnt should be high enough so that next time he will think twice before he's abusive. He was warned first, he said he didn't care. He got a fine, he wasn't happy with it either. So he's in jail. I think it's all perfectly fair. I bet my left nut he will never again be abusive to the staff in dubai.
how exactly do you objectively decide that? please, specify the methodology, I'd love to hear it. If anything, the crime should be based on what makes it stick, which usually means proportional to the wealth. Obviously the higher the standard in the country the higher the fines are going to be, and that standard is pretty damn high in dubai.
e.g. if you're living in india where everything is objectively cheap for people in the west and you visit germany, get a 500 eur speeding fine, you cannot just cry "it's not proportional to my standards!!11!1".
If it's a first time offence and non-violent it's more likely not going to be custodial. Even if it was anything under 12 months custodial will be suspended.
Especially with prisons as packed as they currently are.