A federal judge in New York has ordered a vast unsealing of court documents in early 2024 that will make public the names of scores of Jeffrey Epstein's associates.
Noam Chomsky once said that his dealings and business with Epstein were none of our business and we should fuck off. I hope we get to find out more about his and other rich people's dealings with Epstein
"What was known about Jeffrey Epstein was that he had been convicted of a crime and had served his sentence," Chomsky told the Journal about his meetings. "According to U.S. laws and norms, that yields a clean slate.
That's not a bad argument. He said the discussed politics and philosophy. Nothing suggests that there was any minors involved.
I don't see why he wouldn't want that to be public knowledge. What Epstein did was so awful you really would want to clear your name if you had any connection to the man.
I don’t see why he wouldn’t want that to be public knowledge. What Epstein did was so awful you really would want to clear your name if you had any connection to the man.
Richard Stallman got cancelled for trying to clear Marvin Minsky's name. Not only had Minsky himself not actually done anything wrong, but Stallman wasn't even connected to Epstein except in a "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" sort of way. Yet he got kicked off the Free Software Foundation board for it anyway (at least until 'truth got its boots on' and folks came to their senses and reinstated him).
Richard Stallman got "cancelled" because he was sexually harassing everybody with boobs and walking on two legs and had been for decades according to people who dealt with him at work and conferences. Oh I am sorry were you hoping I didn't know about that?
I agree with you, but also I have seen many times how trigger-happy internet crowd may be. Maybe he thinks that nobody will read an explanation past the first word. Or maybe he's guilty of abuses, we'll hopefully see
It is freaken Chomsky. Have you heard his name one time? Congratulations, you now have an opinion about him. And said opinion is very very extreme.
The man is either an intellectual titan in a wide variety of fields and the one consistent voice of morality for +60 years or batshit insane impractical plagiarism commiting fraud who thinks the best thing western civilization can do is suicide while leaving an apology note. Nothing in between.