Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
I didn't see anyone mention streamers.
For me that has to be Asmongold.
He is now just drama farmer and reacts to videos and reddit all day.
I would even say he is slowly turning into another Andrew Tate.
Called it on Lemmy a few months ago! Something about him and MoistCritical just give me bad juju. Can't explain it except as a father you learn to trust your gut sometimes and it was run of those times.
If this makes sense. YouTube algorithm aggressively pushes Joe Rogan. In that sphere are other trends that come with it. Sadly they come into that picture
Kind of related but I follow lilAggy on twitch. He pissed off some of chat one day because he told them to fuck off with their Andrew Tate bullshit and full on explained bluntly how Andrew Tate is a mysogynistic fuckwad.
I just realized it only recently, but Asmongold was going downhill for a few years. He wasn't my favorite streamer, but watched him here and there.
List of my streamers is slowly shrinking. Nowdays I mostly watch Lirik. He just became a dad like a year ago. As far as I know he has no problems. Only thing that some people are not liking about him is that when NFTS came out, he wanted to make some, he didn't at the end. I don't really blame him. When NFTS came out even I thought it was interesting for little while.
My second most watched streamer is probably Elajjaz, I discovered him only a year ago. He is a variety streamer who really likes Dark Souls and similar games. I don't think I acually saw him "react" to videos. He just plays games.
LilAggy's stream looks interesting, I gave him a follow. Will see if we click.
Check out Josh Strife Hayes, a very sensible streamer/Youtuber who steers clear of the drama. He and the guy from Pirate Software are my new favourites.
I know about both of them, but Josh doesn't stream in my free time, so I only watch his youtube videos here and there. Pirate Software doesn't play games. I knew about him even before he blew up, but I like streamers who play games, like sure, talk about interesting stuff, your life, etc but I need some game in the background.
Don't get me wrong, his stream is great and I check on him sometimes. But he mostly talks about how to make games and how to start making games. I don't really need that.
Yeah. I've been pleasantly surprised. He stays in his lane alone with the other souls streamers. That community seems to be pretty good at being good people.
Agreed, souls community is definitely one of the most wholesome communities I've seen/been in on twitch. Drama free (afaik) and everyone's super nice and supportive of everyone else even when they're in direct competition. It's great.