Privacy minded instant messaging
Privacy minded instant messaging
I'm looking for an instant messaging ( IM ) apps software/protocol that run on Android and computer
and meet the following requirements :
- Open source !
- E2EE
- Messages are send in direct ! (not passing by a server)
- handle group
- Truly private ! ( That's the tricky part )
The closest that I've found is Briar
- +can work without internet ! (bluetooth, local wifi, files !)
- + use TOR
- - Mutual party have to exchange key (or your can introduce someone)
- - sending media suck for now, poor image quality
- - no call or voice messaging
I've been looking for alternatives:
Session- Sadly it keep ALL the conversation into server !!! so it's a no go.
- speek
- I didn't try it yet, any feedback ?
- simplex
- it look very promising ! (didn't tried it yet)
- + seem to handle multiple profile in one !
- + do not require that both party send an invitation !
- and have also a optional long term address
! I didn't found (yet) if the messages are send in direct or pass by a server..
It's not P2P all the messages pass by servers.. too bad.
All post about alternatives or experience with the one that I cited are welcome.
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All Comments
KDE speek sucks in my opinion , i tried it ,
tbh jami is the best app currently in the p2p messenging space
berty sounds good as well , its built on top of ipfs and weshgaurd
tox is good as well
(i have messaged briar and berty team regarding some questions and i havent gotten its answer , i will update you when i get the answer)
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