Might we easily make it more clear that the poster or the server owns them outright?
Hypothetically, a corporation federates and wants to monetize my posts. Can they do this? I’m not personally fixated on ownership (which could easily be viewed as my systemic privilege), but the pathway out of this type of thought in general doesn’t seem to be yielding all power to already powerful growth-based corporations. I didn’t create the current systems, but I do acknowledge their existence.
Anywhere where you're a repeat customer is probably selling your data. Any service you repeatedly use could also sell your data. Unfortunately it's just a way of life these days.
Who says that no-one is sucking up all of the Lemmy data right now and selling it to some entity? There is no way of knowing and there is no way to combat it.
How would that even fundamentally make sense? Define "own". If you post the comment "lol" does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to post "lol" since you "own" it? How would simply posting something establish ownership? What if you had copied it from a different site?