It's not like wealthy people ever go broke anyways. Look at Alex Jones, owes millions in judgments but is still spending to the tune of 100k a month, and still making million and is on tv, etc. How is that broke and how is he not being forced to live in a trailer park till his judgments are paid? Any one of us owes money, they'll put you on the streets, literally, to get their money. But rich people get to go on being rich, even when they owe millions.
Yes, I understand why debtor's prisons are a bad thing for poor people. But, it does make me wish that rich people could end up locked up if they were unable to pay debts, especially when the debts are the result of fraud, defamation, and other crimes against innocent people.
Maybe sentence them to living in a halfway house with an ankle monitor on until they can pay what they owe. During the day they get to rant on their internet shows and try to drum up money. But, at night they have to report back to the halfway house and deal with their roommates and so-on.
They are better at hiding their money, tying it up in investments, trusts, LLC's, etc. Most regular people don't have shell companies to mask their assets.