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CCF_100 Issac Newton would like to have a word.
39 0 Reply"no" banana OP
He's dead
30 0 ReplyUPGRAYEDD You dont wana mess with zombie newton.
16 0 Replycaptainlezbian …serious about the third law of motion
8 0 ReplyRizzRustbolt No, it's about how hot his husband was.
1 0 Reply"no" banana OP
Actually he's more partial to chocolate chip cookies
1 0 Replycaptainlezbian I thought he preferred cookies with a fig jelly filling
1 0 Reply"no" banana OP
Who says chocolate chip cookies can't have a fig jelly filling
2 0 Replycaptainlezbian Newton, the dead guy who’s in charge of physics and which cookies get figs in them, he decides
1 0 Reply
CCF_100 Your post infuriated him so much he came back to life to yell at you for this monstrosity
3 0 Reply"no" banana OP
That must be why my magnet car is not moving.
4 0 Reply
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