Rental property billionaire says buying a home (with a mortgage) is "fancy bullshit" and you should rent instead
[Mortgage Is 'Just A Fancy Bullsh*t Word For Paying Rent For 30 Years To The Bank,' Says Real Estate Billionaire Grant Cardone — Here's Why Renting Could Be A Better Financial Move
How? Mortgage is the same risk exposure as rent with a "landlord" who holds even less responsibility to maintain the quality of the place than in a rent arrangement.
How exactly? A mortgage is in practice rent to the bank, complete with them getting to evict you if you turn out to not be able to pay, not to mention that the landlord at least hypothetically is responsible for providing repairs and appliance replacements.
How? Because in about 1.5years, I will own outright the house that I'm "renting" by paying off my mortgage. When's the last time you can say that about some spot you were renting?
Also, my "rent" is about 5x less than any renter in the area is paying for a similar house.