Unfortunately, it may very well prove to be "truth" to enough people to get Trump re-elected. Remember, we're now in an era where "Truth isn't Truth" (Rudy Guiliani) and people are "entitled to their own 'alternative facts'" (Kellyanne Conway). An era where personal grievances are valued over objective facts, and people will vote against their own best interests just for the possibility of hurting "them". We are now living in an idiocracy.
Here's the problem. Donald Trump could say that Biden has monkeys flying out of his ass terrorizing Washington DC in search of bananas. Now, you and I both know that's ridiculous and, in any sane world, should be ignored for the stupidity it is. But here's the problem. You can say how stupid the idea is all you want, but if 51% of people you need to vote for you have serious concerns about monkey's flying out of Biden's ass, then he needs to either come up a plan to handle flying monkeys, or sit by the wayside as Trump gets re-elected because voters were too concerned over monkeys flying out of his ass.