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This hole was made for me
That's what she said
Just in case you're not getting the reference, the full comic for your reading pleasure.
Keep that URL Blue. You will never be the same.
I'm not the only one who thought it was fucking hilarious, right? I know it's supposed to be body horror, and I do generally find Junji Ito's stuff goddamn disturbing and horrifying, but this is the first one I saw and it just looked so funny to me that all his other stuff caught me completely off guard.
Yeah, like all the elements are there its just doesnt hit the horror switch for me. Mind you im the type of person to be playing a horror game and my first reaction to a monster is to call it a removed and hit it with a shovel.
In horror games, I always try to domesticate the monster by letting it follow me around the map without catching me. Then I have a buddy.
You know what weirdly does fill me with dread though? Space games. I played around with space engine and it doesn't matter what I'm looking at or where I am, I am just super uncomfortable and want to stop. Those're my horror games.
Of course this terrible thing again. Thank you anyway
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In fairness, after I got bottom surgery I got a lot of laughs with that line.
.... drr drr drr ....