I really disliked the level design of Boltgun. When you need giant signs on the walls (I, II, III) with giant arrows pointing the way... I kinda think that's an obvious failure or lack of trying, regarding fluidity of the level design... A great and common feature that is often used to counter this is the use of a mini-map, very common in retro shooters, but mysteriously missing from Boltgun... Otherwise, yea Boltgun was mostly solid.
Hm, something got lost in the conversation there... Boltgun does not have sequels or prequels it's not a "franchise" (regarding "Boltgun" itself, of course 40k is a huge franchise). There is only the one Boltgun game...
I was referring to certain levels within the game. Not every level, but some, have giant signs painted on the walls that will have Roman numerals, like "I, II, or III". With an arrow pointing a certain direction which leads to a door or how to progress through the level.
I wish I never noticed them as they felt very immersion breaking. Why would somebody paint on the walls exactly where to go and in which order?
I apologize, obviously I was confused. Thank you for clarifying. Yes, that most definitely is immersion breaking… I don’t know what would cause that to be needed.
This level is just full of them, all those are for the same level... The timestamps are right on the spot, so might be helpful to pause or the player will probably just run past them quickly.
Not sure what happens on kbin when linking multiple YT vids in a single post. Let's find out!