The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans
The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans
The use of drones capable of deciding whether to kill humans is alarming critics.

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rustyriffs Well that's a terrifying thought. You guys bunkered up?
10 0 ReplySCB It's not terrifying whatsoever. In an active combat zone there are two kinds of people - enemy combatants and allies.
Your throw an RFID chip on allies and boom you're done
2 19 Replyblue_zephyr Civilians? Never heard of 'em!
18 1 ReplySCB The vast majority of war zones have 0 civilians.
Perhaps your min is too caught up in the Iraq/Afghanistan occupations
1 16 Replyprimal_buddhist Really? Like where are you thinking about?
4 0 ReplySCB The entire Ukrainian front.
2 11 Reply
Encrypt-Keeper I think you’re forgetting a very important third category of people…
13 1 ReplySCB I am not. Turns out you can pick and choose where and when to use drones.
1 15 Replyfunkless_eck which is why the US military has not ever bombed any civilians, weddings, schools, hospitals or emergency infrastructure in living memory 😇🤗
10 1 ReplySCB They chose to do that. You're against that policy, not drones themselves.
2 6 Reply
Encrypt-Keeper Preeeetty sure you are. And if you can, you should probably let the US military know they can do that, because they haven’t bothered to so far.
5 1 ReplypostmateDumbass They know. It is not important to them.
6 0 ReplySCB These are very different drones. The drones youre thinking of have pilots. They also minimize casualties - civilian an non - so you're not really mad at the drones, but of the policy behind their use. Specifically, when air strikes can and cannot be authorized.
1 4 ReplyEncrypt-Keeper So now you acknowledge that third type of person lol. And that’s the thing about new drones, it’s not great that they can authorize themselves lol.
4 1 ReplySCB And that’s the thing about new drones, it’s not great that they can authorize themselves lol
I very strongly disagree with this statement. I believe a drone "controller" attached to every unit is a fantastic idea, and that drones having a minimal capability to engage hostile enemies without direction is going to be hugely impactful.
1 5 ReplyEncrypt-Keeper Oh yes it’ll be impactful, I don’t think anyone can argue that. Horrifyingly so.
3 1 ReplySCB I don't think it's horrifying to have my nation's army better able to compete on a battlefield.
1 6 Reply
rustyriffs I'm sorry, I can't get past the "autonomous AI weapons killing humans part"
That's fucking terrifying.
6 0 ReplySCB I'm sorry but I just don't see why a drone is scarier than a missile strike.
1 8 Replyrustyriffs 5 0 ReplySCB Inshallah
2 6 Reply
postmateDumbass And that's how you garauntee conflict for generations to come!
1 2 Reply