I'm not voting for biden again. I don't care what you say.
He is simply a more skilled fascist than trump.
He cut a check to Israel so fast with a smile on his face.
people voting for dems again: have fun spewing the same circular logic about how I have to vote for the lesser of two super evils dude, EVERY SINGLE election.
Y'all are more dangerous to democracy than trump supporters.
No, it's because no 3rd party is able to gain even the slightest interest among the wider electorate. They are called "fringe" candidates for a reason.
Perot in '92 was the most successful, didn't even hit 20% and won 0 states.
So, again, your choices are one candidate who admits to wanting to burn everything down, and one who doesn't.
No, it's an inherent, mathematical bias of the system.
YOU are here telling people not to vote 3rd party............because 3rd party candidates dont get enough votes.
Do you see how that's a logical fallacy.
You are actively helping to create the problem........while say that the problem.......... is the reason you are creating the problem.
If you and a bunch of people who think like you , started to vote differently it might not be always " lesser of two evils"
If you voted 3rd party, 3rd party might get enough votes.......
But you are here telling everyone not to vote 3rd party.
You're the one supporting Trump, the guy quoting Hitler.
As much as biden would have you believe, a vote against him is not a vote for trump. And i don't care how many times you say it.
we can stop, no one is going to call me a trump supporter just to coerce me into voting for their candidate. You are a Genocide apologist. And you can go fuck yourself.
YOU are here telling people not to vote 3rd party…because 3rd party candidates dont get enough votes.
I'm saying don't vote 3rd party because it splits the vote. That's the inherent flaw with the current system.
As much as biden would have you believe, a vote against him is not a vote for trump. And i don’t care how many times you say it.
It may not literally be a vote for Trump, but in effect it is. The boomers who vote for Trump are the most reliably voting bloc out there. They WILL be voting for Trump next election.
What if every person telling me to vote the lesser of two evils, voted independent?
"What if the sky turned purple?"
The sky is not going to magically turn purple.
Lol. But YOU are the person telling me to vote lesser of Two evils.
YOU are the one refusing to change for the better. You and a bunch of people who think like you.
Im gonna spell it out for you because it seems you are having trouble.
You're the problem. you are the reason 3rd party candidates don't get enough votes. Because YOU dont vote for them and tell other people not too vote 3rd party.
Lol. But YOU are the person telling me to vote lesser of Two evils.
I don't see how that has any relevance to my pointing out how ridiculous the "what if everybody suddenly changed their behavior and did X".
YOU are the one refusing to change for the better.
You're the one abstaining from voting, therefore refusing to help make change happen.
I on the other hand am voting for candidates willing to bring election reform to fix the two party system issue.
You’re the problem. you are the reason 3rd party candidates don’t get enough votes
It's an inherent bias in the FPTP election system we have. I'm not responsible for the inherent mathematical behavioral flaw in the system I never agreed to or created.
Am i being clear?
You're being clear. I understand perfectly well what you're saying. But you're failing to understand how emergent behavior works.
I threw my vote away when I voted for biden. I got exactly zero of the things I wanted. And an extra genocide supply on the side.
Not to mention roe v wade got overturned. But that's totally different because the dems are.... Powerless to make real change? or even to keep things from sliding back?
But I should keep voting for them Because.....they are also powerless to stop trump? Lmao.
I threw my vote away when I voted for biden. I got exactly zero of the things I wanted
It's better to not get the things you want than to get fucked by Trump destroying everything.
Not to mention roe v wade got overturned. But that’s totally different because the dems are… Powerless to make real change? or even to keep things from sliding back?
You are really misinformed. Roe got overturned directly as a result of republicans getting voted into power. Trump had a shit load of judicial appointments, including 3 SCOTUS appointments.
The appointment Biden got was only able to maintain the status quo instead of making things worse.
You're literally blaming the democrats for the republican's evil actions.
You are really misinformed. Roe got overturned directly as a result of republicans getting voted into power. Trump had a shit load of judicial appointments, including 3 SCOTUS appointments.
Both parties are culpable, they switch back and forth in control and nothing actually changes.
You're literally blaming the democrats for the republican's evil actions.
Democrats are completely unable to stop republicans evil action. They are worthless or accomplices or both.
You can vote anyway you like, but the fact of the matter is that our fptp voting system is naturally going to trend towards two parties, and so we're stuck with a certain game theory.
If you want to change the system, that happens at the grassroot level, where then you work up to change the system. Trying to start with the president is just ridiculously naive.
And thinking that people who recognize the threat of trump and also understand how the system works are actually the bigger threat than the people actively attempting to elect a fascist...well, fuck, dude. I don't even know what to say to such stupidity.
If so, "they" were right then, as Trump openly refused to concede power when he lost, and lied so much that his cultists rose up and attacked the capitol in an attempt to overturn an election. It was an attempted coup.
The game is rigged. There are no good candidates. Stop voting for them.
I agree the game is rigged. However, the problem is that you're short-sighted and don't understand how changes like this happen. They don't happen from the top-down, but the bottom up. You're yelling into the void if you think "I'm not voting for one of the two parties!" does anything at all.
You’re telling me how to change the system because you know for a fact that the dems are worthless. Lmao.
Yes, by saying "if you want to change the system" I was clearly saying the dems are worthless. You're a true genius. You must be doing quite well in life.
No they weren't. I voted blue. Biden got elected, and then he supplied the ongoing genocide. That is not a win. That is just the same abhorrent outcome that is completely unacceptable.
However, the problem is that you're short-sighted
I would say the same thing about you. You are the one who is insisting we continue to use the bandaid, aka voting for the lesser.