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dudinax MacOS is way worse than Windows.
8 14 Replytubaruco mac is way more new user friendly and polished though
9 7 Replyaidan Depriving the user of information is helpful until you hide information they want.
6 1 Replydudinax The primary goal of MacOS is to prevent your eight-year-old from messing it up too much.
5 1 ReplyColdWater
How's MacOS user friendly?
3 1 Replytubaruco cant do anything thatll mess everything up (unless you really know what youre doing)
1 1 ReplyStumblinbear
It's more user friendly in a thousand minor ways, such as installing programs, which makes it much more user friendly overall. At least MacOS has a consistent UI that doesn't massively change every single update
1 3 Reply
SRo Yep
2 1 Reply
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