The suicide rate in the United States spiked in 2021, reversing two years of decline, and rates among older men were especially high, a new report says.
Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report
Good job in taking a serious issue and putting an unnecessary partisan spin on it, CNN. The issue of guns needs to be sidelined when talking about issues as serious as suicide.
I don't really see the problem with elderly people who decide they want to check out. If we allowed medically assisted death, they could die with dignity.
I imagine in many cases depression caused by their failing bodies and inability to lead a happy life due to it. That and their partner probably recently dying.
If you understand suicide even a little bit you would know men do not fuck about when it comes to suicide. There is little in between, no cry’s for help they are rare. guns are a tool to achieve the outcome and the statistics will never change.
So this click bait title and stupid anti-gun garbage does not help and makes the issue harder to resolve. Men will ALWAYS be the higher suicide rate no matter what. Social support systems and mental health stigma for men needs to change.
I have a problem with blatant hypocrisy. Every gun nut in this thread saying "it's not guns it's mental health" and "men have a mental health crisis" and then go vote for assholes who do nothing to help either of them, and then say it's the Democrats who are the problem.
Sounds like you’re obsessed with guns yourself and a nut in your own right. The core problem here is the social stigma stopping men from seeking help. When men get to the point of suicide it’s going to happen. Banning guns doesn’t change this even in othe western countries still have this same problem.
This issue will take a generation or more to change. It won’t be resolved by banning guns or policy from parliament. It will take a change in social values and gender stereo types; the men don’t cry attitude. Which is engrained into core values. The best we can do is support those in our circles. Ask are you ok, help those we care for to find mental health services and we can also get better at helping those around us. Online support services like “are you ok” have resources for everyone.
If you want to be engaged politically you will need to have a life experience to have impact. from their write to your local political member with that experience and don’t be anonymous. That way you’re counted as a constituent and you can have this conversation with them. But they may just chose to ignore your story so don’t hang your identity on a political party. I would rather see someone passionate about men’s mental health being a force for healing instead of yelling at the wind.
Or maybe I got this wrong and you would make a great Democrat. Just don’t use hot topics to wedge issues it’s a disingenuous farce that will only get others to rally against your cause.
Suicide isnt reported in many places, because it is a social and religious taboo. For example the greek orthodox church still refuses to bury people who killed themselves(and 99% of greeks used to be christian orthodox, though atheism is becoming more popular nowadays).