Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem
Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem
Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem::Nearly 9 in 10 US teenagers use an iPhone, spelling disaster for Google's mobile future
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Snot Flickerman
Honestly, it's a way bigger problem that kids are being indoctrinated into "keeping up with the Joneses" as such a young age.
We've officially made children part of the Conspicuous Consumption game and motherfucker, they don't have money, it's their parents money!
It's sickening and will fuck their finances their whole lives if having the best iPhone is more important than being able to put food on your plate.
I'm way the fuck more worried about these kids indoctrinated into a Capitalist hell-hole more than I am about fucking Android.
If our democratic future is banking on these kids saving us, and they're already rooted firmly up a corporations asshole, we're fucked.
105 3 ReplyDeadlineX Nothing is new here.
This isn’t that different from when I was a kid twenty years ago. Only instead of phones (though we all had phones back then too, even if they weren’t smart), it was game consoles, or Pokémon cards, or beanie babies or whatever.
34 0 ReplyM500 Only difference is about $1000 give or take a few bucks.
24 0 ReplyDeadlineX Yeah you’re not wrong about that. Although some people went hard into the beanie babies. And the Pokémon cards actually.
If you were into warhammer you resigned yourself at a young age to never having money. Those things eat up an ungodly amount of money.
10 0 ReplyM500 That’s fair, I’m actually thinking of magic the gathering at the moment. Luckily my friend was given a huge chest of cards like hundreds and hundreds of cards, so we never had to buy any.
8 0 Replygrabyourmotherskeys Check out MTG:Arena. Great online adaptation if you haven't seen it yet.
2 0 ReplyDeadlineX Oh man I didn’t even think about magic. Yeah that’s definitely a big on. I was lucky enough not to fall into that hobby.
1 0 Reply
Windex007 Assuming a new iPhone every 2 years, that's still pretty on par with historical premiums that would be being paid in the same timeframe for the "in" clothing brands. Designer jeans and Lululemons come to mind.
4 0 Replyparaphrand
Accounting for inflation? Maybe not much of a difference when talking about game consoles…
1 0 Reply
scarabic Yeah I don’t know where this guy has been for the last 70 years but consumerism came for kids a long time ago.
12 0 ReplyDeadlineX He’ll, kids shows have been essentially advertising platforms for decades. Shows and movies exist to sell toys and make profits.
2 0 Reply
webghost0101 Is this why me and my equally autistic partner are so decent with our money against statistical odds?
I mean i knew purchases for status where a thing but surely thats just the odd snobbish people right?
9 3 ReplyLWD deleted
6 4 Reply
scarabic So, they’re mindless image driven consumers who are going to bankrupt themselves and their parents to the point of starvation AND bring about the end of democracy because… of which phone they use?
6 5 Reply