I had enough common sense as an 18-year-old to know that writers and musicians need day jobs, but not enough to realize that I'd have been better off learning a unionized trade and becoming an electrician or a plumber. Since I didn't have the looks or the personality to make it as a rent boy in Manhattan, I rent out my brain instead of my ass as a programmer.
There's no inspiration or passion involved. I'm in it for the money. It's thankless work best outsourced, and I laugh at articles saying that AI is going to take my job. An AI smart enough to take my job would be too smart to want it.
If I wasn't autistic before I learned to code, I sure as hell became autistic in the process. Learning to think like a computer in order to program one is a dehumanizing process. Kind of explains why so many techies are fucked in the head.
The example of the guillotine ought to be all anybody needs to understand that social and political problems are not amenable to technological solutions.