I honestly say this with all seriousness. Go listen to the latest JRE podcast with Joe Rogan for a masterclass in cognitive dissonance. It is something that should be meme material like nothing else.
These two fucking guys spend the podcast droning on about how twitter was evil and social media was bad because it was controlled by the left. So he had to buy it and force it to change so it was more like what he wanted it to be. It is the funniest yet cringiest thing have I've listened too lately.
Listening to a billionaire factory owner talk about how he's saving the world with a multimillionaire C podcaster is something to witness first hand.
Its worth listening to because the reasoning and justification is just so strange and yet they have the power and wealth to affect a lot of day to day life regardless if you're ignoring it or not.
Its only going to get worse because guys like Joe and elon can amass huge amounts of wealth easier than ever since our entertainment is such a stupidly dumb yet powerful industry. They then use to make everything how they want it to be.
I would argue that that doesn't actually make it worth listening to, and I say this as someone stuck on a train that isn't moving and has the doors shut.
Why not though. We all should get out of our comfort zones. Its the only way to learn something new. I was surprised to hear the reasoning that elon and Joe used.
The one thing that people on the right do is that they will consume content they don't like so they at least know what they're arguing against.
People on the left live in massive self built echo chambers and are consistently out done on social issues because they're never prepared to argue.
But it doesn't improve or contribute value to my life and you're projecting a whole argument about a political statistical construct onto me.
The right don't argue unless they're defecting to the left, they mostly just perform the talking points and then smear non compliance as loss when they're the ones failing to engage with their rhetoric.
they have the power and wealth to affect a lot of day to day life regardless if you're ignoring it or not.
This is true, but my opinion of both of them is already rock bottom, so why spend time listening to something that's just going to make me frustrated, while not actually giving me any new info?
I hear that. It was just interesting to me to hear so much weird reasoning and logic. I would love to see a week of psychology lecturers on that one episode just to pull apart the shit that was said. These two are so out to lunch its funny until I was realizing that they also have the ability to buy up whole platforms because they didn't like it.
So listen just to get insight into ego and bullshit.
Thanks for the suggestion, but pass - it'll just make me mad at both of them for no reason. I don't need insight on their ego, I already know they're both narcissistic pieces of shit who think they're saving the world as they burn it down
I listened to JRE regularly between 2019 until his sellout move from Youtube to Spotify in 2020.
The really sad thing about Joe is that you could tell he had (maybe deep down, still has, maybe?) a more reasonable side to his temperament. Some of his political sensibilities were decidedly liberal, even though he is mostly associated with being batshit insane these days and/or as a puppet mouthpiece of the right.