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Treczoks Apart from Python, is anyone of the listed contenders actually still breathing?
3 0 Replykshade
Flask sure is.
5 0 Replyshastaxc Only if you count Angular as the same as AngularJS
3 0 ReplyPhrodo_00 Next, Angular, Django, RoR?
3 0 ReplyTreczoks People are still using those?
1 0 ReplyPhrodo_00 Probably not starting a lot of new projects in them, but there's loads of valuable software literally being the main income for companies in all of them.
1 0 ReplyTreczoks Well, you can say exactly the same about COBOL...
1 0 Reply
catacomb Ruby on rails is alive, just not as popular. ASP.NET is popular but looks nothing like it did then; probably for the best.
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