Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate?
It just seems crazy to me given the power imbalance. A cynical part of me suspects that things are playing out exactly as some evil strategists hoped they would, which, given all the children dying, is super-depressing.
Refugees should have been taken in by allies, they all went to one place due to Zionism, from the beginning with a goal of claiming their holy land. From your link, most of the land purchased was not from Palestinians, the area was under British mandate. From the beginning Palestinians resisted Jewish immigration, they did not consent to any of this, and all of their fears have proven true with time.
I mean legality doesnt mean much when youre talking about unwanted colonialist rule
And 100% all of this stems from zionism. They had to live in the holy land, people were there already, so they killed or exiled hundreds of thousands of people from their homes.
legality doesnt mean much when youre talking about unwanted colonialist rule
Are you suggesting that no real estate sales were valid while the British were in charge? What about when it was the Ottoman Turks that were colonizing it, should we ignore all property rights from that period, too? How many local people need to object to immigrants owning property before you support violence against the immigrants and denial of their property rights?
And 100% all of this stems from zionism. They had to live in the holy land, people were there already, so they killed or exiled hundreds of thousands of people from their homes.
The 1948 UN borders had Jerusalem in neither state's territory. Palestine went to war over it. If they lose the holy land to Israel, this is why.
If it was a palestinian government representing palestinians, and they decided it was okay to allow this planned ethnostate orfanization to buy property en masse, i wouldnt have much to argue about. But it wasnt a palestinian government, this decision was against the will of the people living there, which is what i care about.
And man, 700,000 palestinians were killed or exiled from where they were. That cannot happen if youre the invading army. Israel went to war over it and captured palestinian land.
A lot of that 700,000 voluntarily left. Arab Palestinians who stayed behind the Israeli 1948 borders, were not driven from their land and remained peaceful currently have full citizenship rights in Israel and so do their descendants. This makes it not an ethnostate as there are multiple ethnicities living in Israel with full rights. (Citation above)
Not liking your government doesn't nullify every legal action it takes.