Meet Mike Johnson, Republicans’ new House speaker.
Republicans have at long last elected a House speaker: Representative Mike Johnson, a fundamentalist Christian who was also once called a key “architect” in Congress’s efforts to overthrow the 2020 election.
Johnson finally secured the speaker’s gavel after Republican infighting left the House without a speaker for 22 days. He secured 220 votes.
Johnson is a four-term congressman representing Louisiana. His win also represents the rise of the MAGA front in the Republican Party. Earlier Wednesday morning, Donald Trump endorsed Johnson as House speaker—after quickly killing Mike Emmer’s nomination the day before.
I got into wine about a month ago and wish I had sooner. It really isn't as expensive as I thought it would be. I can buy a bottle of stuff I and my wife enjoy for about 20 bucks.
Thanks! The guy at my local wine store suggested that one as well. I will definitely check it out.
I am not going to be like those guys spitting into buckets with bottles too expensive to open. I am going buy a bottle each week and me and my wife will enjoy it together. Then we will try something new the next week. Also I want to learn how to pair it with food and occasions.
It would require two people to either die or resign. Granted the President is like 130 and the Presidency ages you in dog years so the likelihood he dies in office is higher than most. But then there's a healthy Kamala Harris next up who gets to pick her own VP, who would then become first in line.
While I disagree with Kamala Harris on pretty much everything and don't think she would make a good President, she'd be a lot better than this wanker.
The down side is it does position him high in the Republican Party making him a presumptive front runner unless another option emerges.
He and the Republican conference look so ridiculous that it will diminish the Republicans' election chances in 2024. Voters don't want abortion to be banned and feel iffy about January 6th, so there's a strong chance that 2024 will be dismal for Republicans.