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Who tf uses Spotify without a premium account?
I'd rather pirate that shit that use it for free (I like to hit next all the way).
IMHO Spotify is one of the few services that it is worth to pay.
136 19 ReplyRiven
Cough cough xmanager cough cough.
On github or xmanagerapp dotcom cough.
17 3 Replyblitzkrieg I checked that and still don't know what it does...
3 0 ReplyFierySpectre Basically enable those very features that were disabled in the free version
1 0 ReplyKlausBlub As I understand it it gives you features that were available in earlier Versions? Sounds nice! But I guess it won't give you access to premium content right?
2 0 Reply
That would enter the pirate subject wouldn't it?
Anyway yeah using the free option provided by Spotify seems like the worst case scenario.
1 0 Replymurmelade Yeah, it's basically premium except you can't download the songs and something else I can't remember.
3 0 ReplyRogueBanana Pretty sure they also have a version that can download for offline playback with some caveats
2 0 ReplyRiven
It also doesn't include the car thing either.
1 0 Reply
Metal0130 I agree with you here. There may be a better service out there, but I certainly haven't found it yet. I use Spotify in my car (via USB to my phone), in my kitchen, master bath, living room and kids rooms on Google mini's or Amazon Echos... And I don't have to go out and download anything, it just plays what I want when I want it.
7 0 Replyaceshigh
those who listen to podcasts. i can download them and they're commercial free.
4 1 Replykratoz29
Huh, I think Spotify is a poor podcast client, compared with the competition.
4 1 Replyaceshigh
really? what am i missing?
2 1 Replykratoz29
Well, I use Pocket Casts and it has volume booster and trim silence options, as far as I remember Spotify had none of those.
4 0 Reply
loki_d20 I use it for podcasts. Those exist outside the normally restricted music playlist stuff.
1 0 ReplyYⓄ乙
Never paid for a service which uses internet,NEVER!
6 6 Replykratoz29
I think Real Debrid is worth it.
2 1 Reply