Most of the split kits are going to be around the same price. They start around 20. My Sofle kits were 25 each. You'd need to add a pair of MC's , switches, caps, which is where things get pricey. If you shop around you can find good deals. The PCBs and components represent a smaller part of the cost compared to the rest of the dressings.
I have no problem spending the money on a good setup I just don't have the funds to be able to jump right in spending like $300+ before I even know if I like the split setup
Would something like this be good to give the whole thing a try?
Kinesis Bluetooth Freestyle2 Ergonomic Keyboard for PC (20" Extended Separation)
I’ve been using a Kinesis Freestyle/Freestyle 2 for years now (perhaps even for a decade?) I’ve worn the bumps off the f/j keys on the first keyboard.
I have two primary gripes. First the number 6 is on the left keyboard half. From a correct touch typing standpoint it should really be on the right half.
Second, between the original Freestyle and the 2, the insert key was moved to the ‘fn’ layer so you now have to hold down two keys to send insert.
I started with the Freestyle because that’s what my workplace had available for split keyboards without a built in number pad. (I wanted to move the mouse in closer)