Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don't get much from my choices. It still did a pretty good job of showing me stuff I was interested in watching.
Then on Oct 1, they threw up a "You're using an Ad Blocker" overlay on videos. I'd use my trusty Overlay Remover plugin to remove the annoying javascript graphic and watch what I wanted. I didn't have to click the X to dismiss the obnoxious page.
Last week, they started placing a timer with the X so you had to wait 5 seconds for the X to appear so you could dismiss blocking graphic.
Today, there was a new graphic. It allowed you to view three videos before you had to turn off your Ad Blocker. I viewed a video 3 times just to see what happens.
Now all I see is this.
Google has out and out made it a violation of their ToS to have an ad blocker to view Youtube. Or you can pay them $$$.
I ban such sites from my systems by replacing their DNS name in my hosts file routed to which means I can't view the site. I have quite a few banned sites now.
Yes. In the same way that "Master" and "Slave" have been replaced for racist engineering terminology, "Whitelist" and "Blacklist" are replaced with "Allowlist" and "Blocklist".
Do these terms actually come from racist backgrounds, or did they come up as a coincidence?
It just feels weird someone would think of a way to degrade black people then decide to use blacklist for things they don't want, then engineers decide to use master and slave to piss off black people whatever. Is that literally the history behind it?
While the term blacklist does not originate from racist history, it has certainly been adopted by racists before computers, while terms like master and slave have clear links to slavery as a human history: in either case the terms along with others were found to be offensive to a large population and have since been changed to reflect human decency.
On "master" and "slave" I could be convinced. Those are directly potentially offensive terms. They're also terms that went out of use when we stopped using IDE drives 20-ish years ago as far as I'm aware, but there may still be specific fields where they're used.
But to ban the word "black" because it was adopted by racists feels kind of ridiculous. Aren't we giving these racists a little too much power?
"White Good, Black Bad" is a pretty easy case to win when it comes to the "should we consider changing how we speak to not look like an asshole" debate.
It doesn't seem easy to me, at all. Black/Dark also means night, shadow, invisible, while white infers light, visible, day. Lots of bad stuff happens in the shadow, and visa versa, and these themes are pretty universal throughout culture globally.
I guess globally folks are fine with referring to skincolors as white or black (which is oversimplified IMO), but locally the names of colors of the rainbow and the colors of human skins are not the same. Just like real life, because a caucasian's skin is not colored pure white, and a dark skinned person is not colored pure black. Language brought the two closer together, skincolors and absolute color, but they are not the same. If I read all the alternatives to white and blacklist, none of them are instantly recognizable to me. That'll happen eventually, and is not a reason to never change it. But saying black = skincolor so using the word black for bad = bad seems too simple.
Blacklist was specifically used to refer to the refusal of entry as if they were a black person, so yes there is a racist history. Master and Slave is pretty obvious why especially considering everyone uses Parent/Child and Primary/Secondary these days anyway. Like maybe 10% of the change was because of "je-I-mean-sjws being offended" and like 90% just practicality because they're outdated terms that aren't really used.
De---erate was a mathematical term before Nazi Germany used it to refer to people they were going to kill. Doesn't change the fact it now has an extreme amount of violence attached to it.
The terms used in Nazi Germany during Aktion T4 were "Defektmensch" (faulty human), "Ballastexistenz" (character of burden) or "geistig Toter" (mentally dead). They based it on some pamphlet published in 1920 by eugenics proponent Alfred Erich Hoche. So your information is wrong.
Okay lemmy, you're fucking better than that, right? I'd expect this on Reddit, but not here. I was hoping to not leave Lemmy forever but people pissed off that language is evolving to be less racist absolutely will drive me away from them. no matter where the snakes slither
Yeah there's a fuck ton of nazis on lemmy. I once got heavily downvoted for explaining why I censor the world r--- which is about as mask off as you can get. Because "because it causes genuine physical pain" is an extremely reasonable stance to take. Hell just yesterday I reported a comment that literally said "America was rightfully conquered" which is blatant genocide denial and that comment is still up.
The most fucked up thing about that is it's STILL better than reddit, because on reddit they just outright ban you for having left-of-center prospectives. For all of lemmy's faults, at least the mods aren't out there to push an agenda though passive protection of fascists and active suppression of antifascists. I have yet to see anyone get banned or censored for saying that fascism is bad, though a few instances do occasionally remove a comment under respect rules for using nazi as a pejorative, that's nowhere near the level of shit you get from reddit for doing the same. Only really downside from reddit is that Lemmy lacks rules or tools to defend against vote manipulation which becomes very clear on certain posts. You can block people and even report their posts, but you can't really remove their votes.
I'm just going off good faith that the team are going to figure out ways to deal with the huge influx of pedo-nazis coming from reddit.
Yeah my standards are rock bottom at this point. The way I see it, let people say whatever shit they believe so I can block them. There's millions of people out there, while it may be hard the onus is on me to sift through the filth and find the people worth spending my time with.
Various replacement terms for 'master' or 'slave' have been proposed and implemented. In 2020, GitHub replaced the default 'master' git branch with 'main'.[18] Other replacement names include 'default', 'primary', 'controller', 'root', 'initiator', 'leader', 'director', 'manager'; and for 'slave': 'performer', 'worker', 'peripheral', 'responder', 'device', 'replica', 'satellite', and 'secondary'.[18][6][21][22][23] Python switched to 'main', 'parent', and 'server'; and 'worker', 'child', and 'helper', depending on context.[7][24] The Linux kernel has adopted a similar policy to use more specific terms in new code or documentation.[22] Other projects and standards have used alternative terms since their inception.
Privileged drives and economilcally-and-socially-disadvanted-due-to-historical-injustices drives. The last ones a bit of a mouthful, so you can use EASDDTHJ drives.
If you use a time machine to go back to 2001 when that was last a thing, you can still use the original terminology. Otherwise you will never need the terms since those concepts no longer exist for drives.
Outside of drives there are plenty of self explanatory terms like primary and secondary which work fine.
Coincidentally that's the year I finished grad school and was probably at the peak of my tech savviness. Things have changed a lot since then. On all fronts.
Ya know, I remember being confused when someone first used master/slave with me. They had to explain what they meant. I can't know but I'd venture a guess that primary/secondary would've been more clear to me without an explanation. I wouldn't have intuited why it's a concept, but I would've been able to skip the initial confusion as to how any inanimate object would be called a "slave"
No you're a bigot because you heard the reasoning why the rest of the world moved on and you said you don't care. Pretty cut and dried. No reach required at all, you told everyone this freely even though no one asked you.
Yeah only 90% of the community did. Cry me a river for that 10% with zero argument for their shitty behavior
It probably has never failed once, if someone tells me to go outside, I am outside more than that person. I will however take your advice and get tacos. Even a shitty broken clock is right twice a day.
it is not racist however. words get their meaning by their context. asking if you can bum a removed gets very different responses in the uk and outside
in this case master 2a/d or 5 and I couldnt find any non people slavery related definition so maybe that should get changed after all
If you have ever said "Master Slave" architecture you are a racist and every single Black person in earshot had a panic attack. At least, that's what we're led to believe.