You say erroneously, I say dog whistle. Slaves were repatriated there. It’s a troll, and not the first time they’ve done this, see CPAC nazi symbol in 2021
I mean, this isn't an uncommon graphic design mistake, there's a whole subreddit for it. In this case it's far more likely to be a dumb mistake than an intentional dogwhistle like that suspiciously Odal rune shaped stage at CPAC may have been.
See, to me, that is far less crafty and far more stupid. If this was an attempt to troll with a slavery dog whistle, that's far more subtle and they aren't subtle.
Not that I know of. The Odal rune is obscure enough to the average person that they have plausible deniability, so unless we find design documents or get a confession it's basically impossible to prove.
m not underestimating evil. I’m estimating intelligence. And they aren’t that intelligent or crafty.
This is textbook underestimating evil, friend. Don't confuse the stupid act they put on for their constituents with their actual intelligence.
These assholes are ivy league educated and have (successfully) shaped the republican party under them to engender the support of the dumbest among us and eliminate just about every trace of coherent thoughts. But just because that's their base doesn't mean the leadership is just as dumb.
Granted, you have real idiots like Ms Bowling Alley Flasher or I Can't Believe it's not Jewish Space Lasers, but a lot of the leadership is moral-less bottom feeders desperate for power and willing to sell away the country and our democracy for it.
Say what you will about the idiots running the republican party, but those fuckers got shit done. Here's hoping the democratic party can take a page from their book and finally get their shit together, but I won't hold my breath.