One could make the argument for Disney buying Marvel. They made some great movies. They had also then had enough cash to buy back X-Men, etc and bring everything back in under Marvel Studios. Not a big fan of Marvel stuff lately, but everything up through Endgame was great, especially for a comic nerd like myself.
I enjoyed the story arc leading up to Endgame, but since then, they've filmed so much that I just feel like I can't keep up. The last movie I watched was Multiverse of Madness where I spent about half the movie going "Huh, I feel like I'm missing stuff from the Wanda TV show". I had never seen Spider-Man: No Way Home, either. And I guess there was a Loki show and a Marvel "What If" series, too?
Thats how it is to read a Marvel comic too. I love it. But it is not for everyone. And in comics there is too much to keep up so you just accept that you cant.
Yep. That would require a subscription to disney plus, but I'm not really interested in doing that. It's too much effort for the payoff.
What's the payoff? Well, I watched Multiverse of Madness on a flight to see relatives last year. Out of the movies in the plane's catalog, it was one of the more-interesting ones. So -- the payoff is understanding a random in-flight movie a little better.
I might just steer clear of any Marvel movies next time.
Some stuff hasn't resonated well but there's still some that's been great. Loki, She Hulk, Guardians Xmas, Guardians 3, BP2. I am excited for The Marvels. Shang Chi was meh the first time but on a rewatch after watching some of this other stuff I got more of the connections and enjoyed it more.
True! I enjoyed Loki. Ms Marvel was OK. Shang Chi was fun. Generally though, I feel that things have gotten really watered down and the quality has taken a nosedive. I haven't bothered watching the new Thor or Ant-Man. The Marvels looks great, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm really really hoping that Fantastic 4 is good, and done properly this time (especially Doom).
Quantumania got a bad rap, but I actually enjoyed it. It was pretty CG heavy and that detracted from it a bit, but it was still fun and an interesting episode to start what ever season we're up to now.
I apparently go against the flow. I didn't like Avengers: Endgame (I only watched it to find out what happens) and, while we're at it, I didn't like Rogue One either.
I fucking despise Rogue One and would rather sit through Jar-Jar Binks singing Bohemian Rhapsody through the duration of the entire song than to have to sit and watch that monstrosity of a movie again.
I do not want to watch some poor girl get told off, put down, and kicked down by everyone else around her simply because she was a sacrificial lamb for the overarching plot and everyone else knew it but her. And that's all Rogue One was.
I didn't dislike Krasinski in Dr Strange 2 but I wasn't fully sold on him. He was fine for a cameo, but I don't think he'd pull off the character in a lead role. Mr Fantastic - or at least my interpretation of him - has always been arrogant, aloof and disconnected. It's clear he thinks he's the smartest person in the room (because he is, and probably the planet), and he's not necessarily a cold person but it's obvious he focuses more on his work than on the people around him, even if he does care about them. Krasinski just never sold me on being the smartest person on the planet, not did he really nail the slightly disconnected aspect of the character, I feel.
It's perhaps a slightly weird suggestion, but I've always felt that Glenn Howerton (Dennis from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) would be my ideal Mr Fantastic. He can absolutely pull of that arrogant, slightly narcissistic aspect of the character, but I feel like he can do it in a charismatic, likeable way. And he can definitely sell the idea that he's very intelligent. Plus he looks the part.
"Great" meaning great gigantic messes of nonsensical fanservice and a flood of movies and shows all tied to each other so if you miss one episode of Obscure Marvel Kerfuffle Re-re-revisited you'll be lost.
Were you around when "The Secret War" series came out in the comics? The plot line ran through every single title in the Marvel catalog. Just keeping up with Spiderman required reading four issues. That strategy of story telling wasn't invented by Disney.
As others have said, something being stupid in the past doesn't excuse it being stupid now. And hey, I'd get it if we were still dealing with a couple movies a year, but now it's a flood of content that nobody can keep up with unless Marvel is their only hobby.
My dude... the plot lines in comic books were so convoluted that the writers literally came up with an in canon catastrophe to clean up the timeline by collapsing countless alternate universes. Superhero movies being tied to each other and having a convulted mess of a plot that makes you feel lost if you miss "obscure marvel kerfluffle 3 wrath of the plot device" is very on brand for comics based media.
And that's where comic books went to shit, too. Do kids these days really have no real arguments for anything besides citing even more bullshit to support their bullshit?
Disney is literally racist, sexist, homophobic.... Etc. You name it. They cave to China for money every time, even if it's shrinking or even removing black people from their posters