Hi, as it’s in my title. I’m looking for narrative driven games with good story, something I can play on my steam deck. Not something open open world but more of a on rails experience.
Things I’ve played that that should give rough idea what I have in mind:
The last of us
until dawn/the dark pictures anthology series
the quarry
new/remakes of resident evil games
Road 96
Alan Wake remake
I obviously have a horror/mystery preferences and I want the story to be told to me, I don’t like the dark souls approach of “guess or read all of the in game books or w/e to have a chance at glimpsing a hint of a story”
Return of the Obra Dinn (You'll have to work to figure out the story, but that's the whole point of the game.)
Undertale (I know it doesn't look so good on the surface, but it's brilliant once you get into it.)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Dumb fun popcorn game with a decent story.)
Hi-Fi Rush (A little bit lighter in the story department, but an absolute freakin' blast to play.)
How do you feel about classic adventure or walking sim type games? If you're willing to trade in shooting for talking and puzzles, there's some fantastic stories there.
LucasArts' adventure games: (Older, more comedic, but some of the greats, and many have remakes available.)
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Monkey Island
The Dig
Fate of Atlantis
Wadjet Eye adventure games: (Newer, but emulating older styles. Darker than LucasArts.)
The Excavation of Hobbs Barrow
Other excellent adventure games:
The Longest Journey
Life is Strange series
Broken Sword 1-5
Walking sims: (All story and exploration, very little challenge.)
The nice thing about Hi-Fi Rush is that, while the story won't blow your mind, the characters are all lovable, and it's nice to have a Saturday morning cartoon sort of vibe where everything isn't super grimdark.
I loved a lot of Wadjet Eye games. Technobabylon is a favourite of mine.
The now-defunct Daedelic had some decent games, my favour is Memoria. I don't know why, but something about it stuck with me. It's the right mix of darker fantasy with more low fantasy moments that I like.