Hey there, I'm a long time firefox user and have never ever had any problems with firefox. But after the latest update, the browser will now just randomly freeze and it happens very often. It will freeze for over a minute at the time, making it impossible to use the browser. I've refreshed firefox as suggested on their websites, I've reinstalled but still all the same. Anyone got any suggestions to what I can try? Or anyone else experienced the same thing?
Edit: Using Garuda Linux
Solved: It's not firefox, it's Garuda issues. Thanks for the tips and tricks everyone gave 🙌
There are of course a myriad of reasons for which you'll get a lot of ideas. Some have already suggested running memtest.
I'd suggest a full hardware "scrub". Open the case, clean out all dust with a blower (don't forget the PSU!!!), wiggle or remove-reinsert all electrical connections, especially CPU and RAM, but also GPU and expansion cards, storage (data and power), etc etc. Basically if you can plug it in, give it a wiggle to break any oxide layers or as I said remove-reinsert. Might not even hurt to double check your CPU and GPU thermal paste contact if it's old and might have dried out.
Then double check your overall air flow. Your CPU might be cool as a cucumber, but maybe your m/b is getting too hot from lack of air flow. Ironically its possible that a cool CPU = slower fan = less airflow around SB chips and power chips.
I was having escalating browser freezes from random weekly to random daily to random hourly or worse, on a system that was stable for years. I did the above and added another case fan for better MB flow. Now my CPU runs cooler, the CPU fan runs even slower, and I've been rock steady for 2 weeks without a single freeze-up.