Socialized system vs capitalized system: The capitalist comes in and uses their venture capital to undercut the socialized system so that people stop using it. Once the socialized system loses interest and funding or are otherwise out of the picture, they they jack their prices up way higher than the original and because they're the only game in town, they get to keep those record profits in effective perpetuity.
This is just about efficiency. Postal (including UPS / FedEx) can plan the route ahead, stack parcels with as little space as possible, and deliver hundreds of packages in a day. UberEats doesn't know when will order show up, doesnt know when will order be ready, it can deliver maybe 2 - 3 orders in a row, the route planning is just in time.
Tell me how is this only explainable by socialized system.
Republicans helped the couriers prevent USPS from competing. The 2006 law they passed mandated that USPS had to pre-cover healthcare and retirements for the next 75 years, which no other organization does, and has put USPS in financial trouble.
All those moron Boomers relying on the USPS for their medicine delivery were suddenly shocked service to bumfuck Alabama would have to be reduced. Yet they keep voting republican...
I make it intentionally hard to tell where I line up politically so people get punished for trying to find out if I'm on their side instead of just addressing the point i'm making.