Well after 20 weeks. Well after five months. Is it still a “clump of cells” at 20 weeks?
These two women would likely be in prison anywhere in Europe which tends to have shorter term limits on abortion.
Also lol at ending the article by decrying the fact Nebraska now imposes a 12 week ban. The same as that famous anti-woman regressive Gilead-esque shithole Germany.
If it is inside of a woman's body and reliant on her to be alive, then it has nothing to do with anyone else. It's a parasite she can decide to excise from her body.
You can't force someone to give blood or an organ to another person, why are you allowed to force a woman to keep something inside her body?
These two women would have been able to access abortion services much earlier in the pregnancy, if they were in Europe instead of Oklahoma. This case is the kind of thing that restricting access to legal abortion early in pregnancies causes. This is the fault of the Oklahoma abortion bans
It is way more than a clump of cells at 20 weeks. 20 weeks is when you do the huge ultrasound to make sure everything is developing how it should. My wife and I did a 20 week ultrasound for our first kid back in July and it looks just like a baby; you can see fingers, toes, facial structure, etc. The baby is kicking and rolling around through the whole thing.
It’s funny you get downvoted because you are right. Anyone who has a kid or knows how babies develop would never want abortions allowed at 20 weeks except in certain circumstances. Europe has a 12 week ban for a reason. Europe is only progressive here when it fits their narrative.
This shiti article gets reposted to rile up people but people actually read it and see the facts, they realize that click bait title is hardly supported by the facts.
Didn't they also dispose of the remains in some unsavory way?
The abortion debate in the US is psychotic. On one end you have prolifers that want to ban Plan B and some would definitely like to ban contraceptives too.
On the other end you have rabid prochoicers who support the idea that abortion should be an elective procedure with (almost) no limits.
Whereas, in most of Europe, we seem to have figured it out. Set a sensible limit somewhere around 12-14 weeks, allow a lot exceptions when the mother's health in threatened or for cases of rape and incest, and that's it. It works.
But, something else is at play here, which is that many extreme feminists don't want any kind of equality but power. The demand to be able to terminate a pregnancy with no limits is a demand to be solely in control of human reproduction.
Oh fuck you, stop lying. The vast majority of Americans agree on reasonable abortion restrictions.
"When asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy, about two-thirds of Americans say it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose abortion being legal in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters."
Whereas, in most of Europe, we seem to have figured it out. Set a sensible limit somewhere around 12-14 weeks, allow a lot exceptions when the mother’s health in threatened or for cases of rape and incest, and that’s it. It works.
Like hell it does. Women in Europe do not have bodily autonomy. You don't need a special justification to decide what happens to your own body.
Chomping at the bit for a both sides false equivalency? Interesting that you’d find it when the basic rights of a whole class of people are on the line.