Right to Repair - We beat Apple at their own game - let the unauthorized calibrations BEGIN!
Apple has refused to provide the calibration tool for the sleep sensor to independent repair people.
A German repairman has beaten Apple and developed a calibration tool.
Yep. I use a pixel 6 and a MacBook Air m1. It's the best of both worlds.
They build fantastic laptops.
As a side rant, I just want to say that I've never had a laptop that was able to maintain consistent speed and reliability better than this machine. Every other windows-based laptop I've had has crapped out after 3 years. This thing just keeps on going, regardless of the fact that I've had about 100 tabs and 3 browsers open for the majority of its lifespan.
Surely if you spend similar amounts of money, especially these days you get the same quality from windows? - the only thing I'm interested in is the combination of a sturdy metal frame and high specs.
Nope. I've spent similar amounts of money in the past on a great Lenovo gaming laptop. It was phenomenal for the first two years. But then after the first major Windows update, it seemed like the drivers became less reliable and issues started popping up here and there. Another year so later and everything started to bog down. Reformatting it fixed it for a little bit, but the same issues came up again eventually.
I've heard good things about the surface, so maybe if you go the direct from Microsoft route it could be better? I'm just burnt out though. I don't see myself buying another Microsoft product again.
I mean yes and no. If you value energy efficiency there's nothing comparable. There are sturdy laptops, there a more powerful laptops, but to my knowledge there are no laptops that offer the same combination of battery runtime and performance.
Market share isn’t everything, Apple commands a very strong hold on the premium segment of phones, that’s where the actual money is for the most part (generalized.)
A lot of people who buy apple stuff just plain don't care. If you break it, you immediately buy a new one. But even if you don't, you'll get a new one when you can. For a lot of people it's also a status symbol, where a lot of ego is involved. You still see this every time camera discussions come up, where sometimes you'll see a 15 Pro compared to an HTC Hero for shot quality.
This should never be a problem, but we live in a dystopia
Apple has refused to provide the calibration tool for the sleep sensor to independent repair people.
Not only those who want to repair it themselves, but those who want to have it repaired by a third party whose best interest is not claiming that the phone is irreparable and that the customer should buy a new one.