I hated it. There was almost no actual sci fi, and I didn't like any of the people. Did they have any good qualities about them? To me they were all just annoying, self obsessed, people I would not want to be around for even a minute.
Salma Hayek, was she payed per amount of times she could say disgusting things and talking about asses? Also what was the entire thing with how she was Salma Hayek so she can do what she wants? She is like a really bad actress. Where is the confidence coming from?
Also going to shit in a church? Why are these characters being so disgusting? Specially all the females were genuinely disgusting. Why? Is it empowering for females now to act like teenage men or something? I don't get it.
In previous black mirror seasons, I felt that it had actual nice people. But this season I really felt like a bomb could go off and nobody would be missed.
I don’t really see how having bad people makes the show bad, especially in the context of Black Mirror. Some of the most beloved shows, especially Breaking Bad, are basically all characters who just seem to be awful (in their own ways). Also, which women in this season are disgusting? Even the Joan thing had a clear reason behind it and was intentionally supposed to be vulgar. I don’t think that’s much different from previous seasons.