The Fifth Season, it's an epic fantasy novel by N.K. Jemisin. I originally started it about a month ago but I've just been reading it in fits and starts, though it's not particularly long. The story takes place in a world which gets wiped by a global catastrophe every couple of centuries. Certain people called orogenes have the ability to manipulate the earth in order to bring about or quell earthquakes. They've also got some other interesting abilities. Naturally, the regular people, who are the majority called Stills, are fearful of orogenes and they've formed society such that they can harness but most importantly control orogenes. Bit of a slow start, but since I've made it halfway through, it's been very engaging.
I was most surprised by how I became emotionally hooked by this novel rather than intellectually (if that makes sense) - I wasn't as into the world but more the people, which is rare for me in a sci fi/fantasy novel. What a heartbreaker.