Getting a lot of blank pictures on Lemmy-UI (SOLVED-Wacky Local Caching)
I'm seeing a lot of blank images when looking at posts from through Lemmy-UI, but when I look through Photon/Sync the images are there. It seems to only affect images uploaded directly to instead of images uploaded to a separate website. Is there something I can do to fix this on my instance?
I'm getting this too, as well as some image posts occasionally not federating, and lots of error messages about "voting failed", "failed to mark as read", etc.
I know there were some expected temporary performance issues after switching hosts, but would that still be happening a week or so later?
Some of the image stuff for me is just my device caching urls that change, but I don't know why so many urls are changing
I'm not getting the failed to vote thing, but maybe that's because you are using as your instance instead of another; probably just timing out because whenever I pull up the site it is always a bit slow to load
Yeah, all I can tell is that the url of the file on the server seems to be changing and devices are caching the old url. Using a different image hosting service like imgflip/ image server for the image uploads would probably solve that problem, but that's pretty much the extent of my knowledge