I'm new to linux, running last version of ubuntu MATE. Tried to get fusuma to have a better experience with my touchpad (I'm using an hp notebook). I followed the whole guide for ubuntu users on the Github page, created the config.yml using these two commands:
config file: /root/.config/fusuma/config.yml is NOT FOUND
Then I run just "fusuma" without sudo and the error disappeared, but fusuma does literally nothing. Can someone please help me with this?
This is the first time I installed a Linux distro (I heard it lowers the possibility of getting a blue screen which happened to me lately result of my SSD dying). So I really don't understand permissions here (how I run things as administrator like in windows) and the difference between root and home clearly, I don't even know how to uninstall fusuma to try again now!
In the GitHub it is written that you should only use fusuma.
About that error, in windows, you have two users say administrator and user. Both the users have their own user folder,they can't tamper with the others users folders right.
Similarly linux in default install has two users one the root and other the user. When you use sudo you are asking the root to open the file in its folder not in yours.
If I am correct mate doesn't have many touch gestures so there is no effect for it. If you want gestures gnome or kde would be suited. I maybe wrong if so any seniors do correct me 😉