I'm gonna list all the good and progressive things about North Korea that America needs to emulate if it wants to stop being a Capitalist Demon Machine
Cool, but then you're just a naive utopia dreamer. Capitalism is the best system we have right now, and it pays for a lot of social programs, can it be better sure but acting like communism is better is just flat out stupid.
Living in a tribe in the jungle is better than capitalism because it's not literally destroying the world. If you're willing to consider utopian capitalism, then a utopia based on ideas that can theoretically work should be even easier.
A big meteor strike would be worse for most life on earth than even the climate crisis, and that will happen, sooner or later. In order to prevent that, you need a pretty high tech level.
Yes and no. Yes by the time it would likely be detected on a collision course with Earth, at present, even the greatest minds can't theorize a method to neutralize an asteroid => 5km in diameter that doesn't cause an extinction event with the technology available to us right now.
However, if it were detected soon enough there may be more tenable options for preventing an impact event that are not futile. The problem is we don't have nearly enough resources monitoring deep space for our inevitable destruction and with a lot of our space tech now being privatized in the US it will be more difficult because there's no profit incentive to being prepared for our doom. At least now that NASA is active again there will be an obvious taxpayer incentive to literally preventing our own annihilation...lol
It takes people to enact policies around the -isms and to make the -isms themselves
The OP said "...-ism is the real cancer upon society". I was pointing out that people are the real cancer of society. It doesn't matter what "-ism" you want to stand behind, there will always be issues because humanity is fundamentally broken.
I'd argue that humanity and an -ism aren't that different in this context -- arbitrary linguistic form aside, they both refer to abstract collectives.
But ultimately, I still don't see the logic in separating humanity from the systems it created and uses. Fixing one fixes the other, in bilateral fashion.