Oh, let's not. I think the PIC season 3 finale is a fine farewell to TNG crew all being together. I'd love to see individual stories about the TNG main cast, post-PIC. Riker and Troi, and Kestra. Geordi La Forge and his never seen wife. Worf being Worf -- pondering, fighting, snoozing after fighting. Data redux. And, I'm always up for more of Picard. So, I'm a "yes!" for seeing more individual stories of TNG main characters. I can do without another "getting the band back together," curtain call for the TNG main cast as a whole.
I do think season 3 was a nice farewell, but I would be open to another movie. Who am I kidding, I’d absolutely be there, watching it in one of those theaters with recliner seats. Might even smuggle in a thermos of Earl grey for the occasion.