There's no church, no confessional booth here (sounds like a great community idea lmao, any kepochi great listener please make it happen). Feeling suffocated keeping it all to myself, so I thought I'd just express it here.
I've been lying to myself that I care about growing the Mandarin community; I'm not, not an ounce of interest. Sure I may be the most Chinese Chinese here, but I'm the least Malaysian Chinese Chinese here; Not a representative of a typical Malaysian Chinese at all.
Prior to this, can't recall exactly; the last time I typed in Mandarin probably about 3 yrs ago during my last relationship. This means that Mandarin is currently useless to me. As a utilitarian, I don't care about cultural identity. In fact, finding it off-putting when people become overly ethnocentric. While some people consider language as a medium of culture; to me, it's simply a tool to build something actually meaningful.
I love art — drawing, music, skits, light poems. Having a Mandarin community gives me an additional outlet to express my artistic side. Also, as someone who struggles to make friends, it increases the odds of finding like-minded ones tho I doubt that 🥲. But all these combine, they don't serve as strong motivators.
So why did I do it anyway? Well, too long to mention and too lazy write and no one gives a fuck. The point is, I realize how foolish and immature this all seems and have veered off track. What's intriguing is that I typically don't exert myself into things I dislike, but this time... well, that's precisely why I call a halt in less than a week.
I came from smjk c and nowadays none of my ex classmates type in Chinese anymore lol. Sure we still speak mandarin when f2f with each other out of habit, but our work environments & in many cases our spouses are mostly English, so English kinda naturally replaced Chinese for many of us. We also speak English with fellow Chinese-educated colleagues at the work place.
yes all my ex-schoolmates too except for those living in Taiwan. This begs a question that why the hell did I put in so much effort on this pedantic language has no practical use whatsoever? 🙃
Well speaking from experience, it’s mostly useful if you’ve China clients and your boss will ask you to tag along as a translator haha. But turns out the China clients often speak fluent English as well.
It's totally okay to feel that way — I'm also Chinese, but my main language is English. I'm not exactly a true Chinese either as my livestyle and beliefs differ a lot because I'm much more westernized and I'm an atheist. You are welcomed to open a new community for one or more of your interest stacks!
Huhu you're an admin. Lemmy pretend you're the father and confess a little bit more: I was a bit annoyed by the potential hogging behavior and you guys wouldn't allow conflicted communities. So I thought maybe creating another Mandarin community could create a "window of opportunity" to address the problem. An immature move I know. Should've addressed it directly, but it might just glossed over and I was afraid of the power distance.
The second thing is: though I'm totally aware of my bad interpersonal, perphaps my alter ego denies it, so I thought that having a "better" Mandarin-speaking community could compensate the lack thereof. Sure cultural differences play a significant factor but it's something I have to work on.
The people whom you describe are not the type of users who frequent here. Hard to create a community where the people you might share commonality with don't know you exist .
I think you're trying to find a place to call home in a completely wrong country (so to speak). The apps/websites that the mandarin community uses are completely different with almost no overlapped from the ones majority of the user here use.
Hard to create a community where the people you might share commonality with don’t know you exist .
Not blaming you if you don't know the full context but I said I don't give a damn about cultural identity BS and no interest in managing the typical Mandarin community, let alone the imaginary Mandarin community I wish it exists.
I think you’re trying to find a place to call home in a completely wrong country (so to speak).
Fyi, it just that I'm not growing up in a mainstream community, it doesn't mean I'm not Malaysian. And I've been trying to fit in for quite a while now.
Btw thanks for making me realize that my homeland isn't actually here. Very liberal of you. 🙂