Happy Labour Day to people who are not landlords.
Happy Labour Day to people who are not landlords.
Happy Labour Day to people who are not landlords.
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I know landlords that work way fucking harder than I do, and I have a "real job". I get that a lot of landlords are assholes but in the end this is the system and some are playing the game as fairly as they can (being reasonable, very rarely raising rent, attending to maintenance themselves and in a timely manner) while others are cheating (not maintaining the property, raising rent, forcing tenants to sign burdensome leases, etc). Stop lumping them together.
I've found that on many Lemmy instances we got way too many people who find it much easier to just say all are assholes, there are NO exceptions!
Yeah I agree. Painting with a broad brush is something we all do, but my god people have some self awareness once in a while.
Apart from your real job and defending landlords, what else are you doing to help get rid of the sham system?
What the fuck is this. I could make all sorts of stupid assumptions about you too, you're honestly not worth it
Lemmy.ml user. They are an ass backward echo chamber.
Yo you've done a really good job at staying away from hexbear posts on your alt account. I've only seen one, impressive!
What do you mean by this? How are you tracking this user's alt accounts?
What's the point of replacing one sham system with another?
You do understand that not all landlords are the same? Even if 50% are assholes you're still lapping the other half in there whilst they're not doing much wrong