Speaking of nose hair, there are a few (around 3-5, idk) follicles in my left nostril that always produce extra THICCC hair. It isn't a cosmetic issue per se, but those strands somehow tickle and make me super uncomfortable. Everytime I have to use tweezers to pluck them out but those big boiz are so tenacious. Using scissors is a bad idea as I want to preserve those useful strands.
On the other hand, the right one is fine, I mean, literally fine, like baby hair, can be left unattended. They do the job they're supposed to do, with some mucus attached, blocking harmful airborne particles protecting delicate lungs. I guess, the imbalance growth of nose hair is because of my left testicle secretes more testosterone than my right one... nah I'm just merepek.
It has really become a habit for me that I sometimes continue to wear masks in the car(I wear masks for long hours at work, so I'm pretty used to it) and my family/friends will question why I'm still wearing a mask 😂