Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks
Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks
The Canadian government warns that some US states have enacted laws that may affect LBGT people.

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Red states are dangerous for any nonwhite male. Women? Traveling to a red state and get raped? Whelp better hope you don't find out that you are pregnant while still in the state. LGBTQ+? Whelp, better hope no one knows your sexual identity or you could be denied life saving medication or could be jailed for simply using the wrong bathroom. Black? Whelp, people are literally hunting you while you try to pick up snacks at the local dollar general.
72 21 ReplyNarrativeNavigator This comment is hyperbole.
17 29 Replysmollittlefrog Black? Whelp, people are literally hunting you while you try to pick up snacks
No need to overexaggerate to such an extreme that your comment loses any value it might've had.
19 32 Replybigkix Yep. He's comment is complete paranoid bullshit.
8 10 ReplyNarrativeNavigator If you are looking for truth, there is no need to exaggerate.
I don't think the commenter is looking for truth though.
8 18 ReplyInputZero Except, the truth is that this has happened twice in two years and those are only the mass shootings in which African Americans were explicitly targeted.
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Dunno what world you live in, but if those events didn't happen it sounds a lot nicer than reality.
7 4 Replysmollittlefrog These people aren't "you".
I could make a similar statement:
Child? You're literally being abused and raped by your parents on a regular basis.
This statement is true for a lot more children than the prior statement is for black people.
It's still a stupid statement.
No, being a child doesn't mean you'll be abused and being black doesn't mean you'll be attacked.
9 4 ReplyDraedron The fact is the likelihood of black people being killed is in red states much higher in red states.
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