"There is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America," Sanders said.
Some politicians are so fearful of former President Donald Trump retaking the White House that “they don’t really want to tell the full truth,” West said. “[Biden has] created the best economy that we can get. Is this the best that we can get? You don’t tell that lie to the people just for Biden to win,” West said in a clip played on CNN Sunday.
Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill, sure sounds like some rightwing cope.
The centrist liberals pathological inability to tolerate even small amounts valid and reasonable criticism is part of why democrats keep losing elections.
what is legitimate about this criticism? it's ineffectual mud slinging: anyone who agrees with what cornel west says will not think this is a meaningful criticism at all.
Thats a non issue made into an issue by racists that want to keep a non democrat challenger from running, dems love the black community as long as they stay in line and do as they are told. The moment they stray from the official narrative they need to go, exactly like they did with MLK. Democrats talk about protecting democracy while smearing challenger candidates, suing to keep challengers off the ballots, suing to keep RCV off the ballots and calling minorities too ignorant to understand it as justification. West has more in common with the struggles of the working class than out of touch politicians like Biden and Co
No, while you are being distracted over bullshit like taxes you are probably not challenging issues like the DNC suing to keep RCV off ballots, why they feel entitled to every ones votes despite not earning them, why we are being told everything is great when we can all see its not. Democrats love a black man that does as hes told until he speaks out of line, then the daggers come out. They havent strayed to far from their plantation owner roots.
I'm not strawmanning Cornel, he has nearly half a million dollars in unpaid child support. Also plenty of other folks are taking on that aspect of his candidacy, pretending he's not deeply in debt is not taking his candidacy seriously and I don't think anyone who simply ignores the financial trouble he's in should be regarded as serious.
Wait, you're calling it a lie in huge letters because the person said half a million in child support and not half a million in child support and taxes? That seems needlessly nitpicky and also needlessly aggressive.