YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD
A single dose psychological intervention, which includes using the computer game Tetris, can prevent the unpleasant, intrusive memories that develop in some people after suffering a traumatic event.
Generally, they look at their own boards and keep their next piece queue in their periphery vision; the distinct colours of each piece is actually written into modern Tetris guidelines. Advanced players like these also glance at their opponent's board to determine whether to delay their attacks, both offensively and defensively.
For context, Wumbo always uses the center 4-wide to win many tournaments, and while it was a very effective strategy, it was also extremely cheesy and boring to both watch and play against; he also maintained a "Tetris god" persona where he only ever uploads his wins to his Youtube channel. Doremy, on the other hand, was getting great attention for his flashy and fun Tetris plays, never shying away from uploading videos from his losses. Doremy also caught Wumbo editing out his losses from his Twitch VODs. All this culminated in a rivalry, and in this matchup, it was the underdog versus the overpowered villain. So while this Tetris match isn't as flashy and fast as the more recent ones, it is definitely one of the most memorable.
The shape at the top is where their current piece is, they just move to fast for it to really move. The hollow piece shows where it will land, the right hand side are the upcoming pieces.
So, I don't know what hold is but I imagine they're switching between looking at the board, the hollow piece, and the upcoming pieces.