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Discussion: and downvotes

Why are they disallowed? And more importantly, why is this not transparent in the pinned post about as a rule?

I was blindsided by this when I saw another user mention it, and while I enjoy very much, I'm considering moving on because of this. I rarely, very rarely, down-vote, but at times it's handy to push down misinformation or adverse content.

It feels a bit too much like YouTube and the removal of the dislike button to me. What are other's thoughts?


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  • It feels a bit too much like YouTube and the removal of the dislike button to me.

    That was a crucially different situation. On Youtube, users didn't control communities or make the rules, so disliking, even though it had many issues, was the only way to discourage bad content. Things are different here. Individual users have much more control so downvotes aren't needed like they were on Youtube. You don't lose much except the downsides.