I'm sorry guys, I actually watch the YouTube Shorts so Google pushing them into more people is my fault. I just don't care to download Tik Tok and have yet another app. 😭
Oh yeah I was only posting dumb comments for content for lemmy. The issue is definitely because YouTube is pushing them front and center on the home screen of the app.
I've never actually searched for shorts either; I only ever watch my shorts via clicking on the "Shorts" link at the bottom of the app.
I think they're not, but I question the people who watch them, honestly.
I just... isn't just letting a single long video play the same thing? Because the way I see it when people doomscroll shorts, they're not actively watching the content either. And whether you ignore video X or shorts A, B, C and D doesn't make a difference, no? It's like leaving the TV on, it's just background noise to turn the brain off to.
I just don't get the point. Why not watch full length videos where you can have context and actually learn something? Shorts can't really provide context so are just funny moments or something that aren't really that interesting, just a waste of time.
Listen, I'm a busy guy with a life. I don't have 20 minutes to dedicate to a video. I'd rather watch a few shorts... a quick 51030 45 minute session is all I'm after...
I honestly only watch them when I'm super bored or high in bed when I want quick laughs. But honestly, the same question can be asked of people who scroll on Facebook, lemmy, or Reddit hours on end
I would agree with Facebook (and I'll admit I'm biased), but Lemmy/Reddit are about conversations, and context/information are important. Shorts/tiktok are about quick things that catch your eye and you forget about seconds later, and they can't inform you on much, if anything.
A lot of "full length" videos are padded for monetisation purposes. I hate watching some tubers going on and on before actually getting into the main topic.
Good shorts give you everything you need to see in a short period of time. I've seen plenty of them which is why I give it a chance.
It's the not good Shorts that Youtube keeps showing me that I absolutely hate. The 20 view "alpha male" bullshit Shorts that I've never shown interest in yet Youtube insists I must love.