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Obtainium: Get Android App Updates Directly From the Source.

Been using this for months and never hear anyone talk about it. Faster updates than from F-Droid is nice.

  • I used it too. But then forgot about it when I switched phones. I'll have to take a new look at it.

    • Probably too late for you now, but Obtainium has a feature to export/import its list of apps. I found that useful when I wanted to set up Obtainium on my tablet. All I had to do was export from my phone and then import it on my tablet, so I didn't have to add all the apps to Obtainium on my tablet manually.

  • I heard about it. However, I find the need to reinstall all apps via Obtainium quite painstaking and thus haven't done so yet. It doesn't provide auto updates either.

  • Why would I use this? How's this different from using e.g izzyOnDroid's repo that also collects releases from github?

    The clickbaity video on the readme doesnt help.

    • You don't have to wait for Izzy to do its thing, which may take days to get an update to you. This will grab from the source directly without a middleman, checking the source however many times per day that you set it to. I guess you could consider Obtainium to be a middleman, but that's better than relying of Izzy and F-Droid to be your middlemen.

  • I just downloaded Liftoff using Obtainium and now I am commenting on this post.