Hexbear, various lemmy libs want to know, do you unironically support Trump? Sorry for the tedious question and thanks if you bother to answer it lol. If you do respond please be kinda serious.
no need to write an essay or anything
some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don't know what's serious and what's irony
I haven’t even seen the show, and I’ve maybe heard the audio one time, but I see your comments so often that “no more half measures Walter” in a deep gravelly voice is now a common thing in my internal monologue lmao
I am 100% puyipilled because reforming arch-capitalists and political types into good communists is infinitely crueler than granting them the sweet release of death with their beliefs and ideals intact.
It's like, if the goal is the collapse of America, he's probably the best bet yeah? If shit collapses he'll probably get executed anyway by his own base of psychopaths.
I think a lot of the confusion comes from how people here derive amusement from his stupidity, whereas with Biden and Obama the contempt was more open (because they weren't clownishly, openly stupid, just malicious or more run of the mill incompetent)
To anyone in future linking this comment or thread as evidence that we are not supporters, also note that this here is the second highest up-beared comment on the site.
I think everyone has cleared up that we don't actually like Trump. We hate all US presidents. But i wanted to explore a real split that happened when he got elected between people who are still libs, and people like me who were libs but reevaluated my received ideology, in large part due to his election.
Trump getting elected completely invalidates everything libs believe about this country. Myth of meritocracy, shattered. The belief that the "good republicans" will come back, the faith in the electoral system, etc.smashed.
When something like that happens, a real thing happens that invalidates your world view, your ideology, there's two ways it can go. One way is reevaluating those beliefs, and the other is doubling down on them.
To double down, you have to view the real thing that happened as an abberation. It can't be integrated into your worldview it has to be refuted. So what did libs do? Immediately after the election there was, "well maybe he won't take office, the electors could save us". They retreated into a belief in their electoral system. Next they moved onto the Russian conspiracy belief, because it would expunge the record of our electoral system. "If Russian interference happened, then theres nothing wrong with the electoral process!" And they needed nothing to be wrong with the electoral process, because its the only mechanism they have that allows them to believe this is a democracy. Of course, then theres a series of things, the Mueller report/Mueller worship, the hollow ceremony of impeachment.
If you reevalute the system, you integrate reality. You realize that Trump is not an aberation. Trump is the norm, just far more grotesque. Every president is a war criminal whose purpose is to further an imperialist, white supremacist world order. It doesn't matter if they are civil, or have "merit" (whatever that means), or if they're the first black president. They're the figurehead of global system of exploitation.
For me personally, i hadn't become a communist yet, and Trump winning was something that made it clear that the recieved ideology i was operating under was clearly wrong and had to be evaluated. At some point, and for whatever reason people who become communists, or anarchists, or whatever left tendency from the starting position of received American ideology have to reevaluate the world from usually a combination of catalysts.
I think a lot of this shows why theres so much acrimony between us and libs. We invalidate their world view. The thing that allows them to believe they live in a democracy, one that is more democratic than other nations, and freer (libs may except other western nations as free, or even superior, but they chauvanistically know they are better and freer than the global south or any AES).
And many of us are frustrated because we already know what they believe is wrong, because many of us believed it! And we learned it was wrong by integrating the realities we've witnessed into our understanding of the world.
That's probably why some libs think we like Trump, because we don't share the view that he's an aberration, or uniquely bad. He's just a republican. And they can't accept that
That's probably why some libs think we like Trump, because we don't share the view that he's an aberration, or uniquely bad. He's just a republican. And they can't accept that
I think the most revealing thing to ask a lib is who was worse, or . The sheer body count difference, there's no way a kind, non-fascist person could ever think it's even close.
Trump winning the election almost immediately rehabilitated Bush for libs. Which is all about optics and civility bullshit.
Why they think the deaths of something like 2 million Iraqis is more civil than a grotesque TV show host being gross - now that's what's interesting!
The deaths and displacement of millions ot Iraqis and Afghans are not an affront to their ideology. That does little or nothing to their fundamental beliefs and assumptions about America. But a grotesque, an "unqualified" reality TV star, a con man becoming President, and then having the audacity to be "unpresidential" - to disrespect the office - that to libs is real shit. That shakes their belief system to the core. That's the only calculus that makes Bush better than Trump
So what did libs do? Immediately after the election there was, "well maybe he won't take office, the electors could save us". They retreated into a belief in their electoral system. Next they moved onto the Russian conspiracy belief, because it would expunge the record of our electoral system. "If Russian interference happened, then theres nothing wrong with the electoral process!"
I went through most of those steps, but already knowing our electoral system was at the very least bad because of math. So after a few rounds of cognitive dissonance I had to reevaluate.
This is exactly why, throughout the entire Trump presidency, liberals repeated to themselves, to their family, friends coworkers, to their Twitter followers: THIS IS NOT NORMAL. It was a mantra for 4 years. It perfectly represents their struggle through the cognitive dissonance of reconciling Donald Trump being the "Leader of the Free World" just as much as Barack Obama, Lyndon Johnson, or Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The question they never could answer satisfyingly is "If this is not normal, how did normal lead us here?" Answering this question definitively inevitably leads to socialist critiques and conclusions. Instead they retreated into the elitism of disdain for "populism" and the idiot masses, while simultaneously claiming to defend "democracy" even though they clearly don't like its actual practice and results. Or, they retreated into the paranoia of a foreign conspiracy, since a foreign nation can be irredeemably evil but never our own, while completely overlooking that Trump mostly did as the Blob (as Obama called it) wanted. He was of absolutely no benefit to any supposed backers, even if they really did support him. And it stands to reason that if they could have rigged it successfully the first time, why wouldn't it have worked the second time? It should have only gotten easier to rig things with a puppet in charge than with a meaningfully independent Democrat in charge. All of their answers were and are a mess of contradictions.
I was like you too. Recognizing that this madness was normal and continues to proceed just fine without Trump at its head is exactly what showed me that I am not a liberal. I would have hoped it would have enough for most people. Maybe we need Mecha Hitler III to be elected via Supreme Court decision before most liberals jump ship.
Thanks, and i appreciate what you've added here comrade.
Particularly about their retreat into elitism and anti-populism. You see this manifest strongly when theres a disaster in a so-called red state, and all the libs just say they deserve it, as if everyone living there is what they imagine republican voters to be: stupid, lower class, rednecks, whatever libs are calling them these days. They never imagine that the average republican voter and average Trump supporter is petty boug, is as affluent as they are if not more, and of the same class or higher. And those peoole aren't the ones hurt when the grid goes down in Texas. The peoole most likely to be hurt are the people they pay lip service to caring about.
Not from hexbear, but no, of course they don't. I would wager that you would have a very hard time finding anyone on hexbear or lemmygrad that has anything but contempt for all US presidents. A bunch of monsters, the lot of them.
Lincoln has just been whitewashed all to hell. He didn't free the slaves out of any moral reason. It was just a good piece of propaganda, and he was really just railroaded into it.
I've read several state that yeah he should be executed, but since he is working to destroy america they will vote him just to it collapses faster and he gets executed faster, which is... not something I agree with to put it mildly.
Biden is your typical warmongering president. Trump is fairly isolationist, so the thought is that he would be better for the world, although he would make things pretty bad domestically in the US.
I'm not really convinced of this either. Trump has a really fragile ego and is about as smart as a pack of chewing gum. We've seen him impulsively assassinate world leaders, and we know that he personally hates China. These are not good combinations.
But then again, we now have the US propaganda machine telling us that nuclear war wouldn't be that bad.
The thing about leftist opposition to Trump that seems to confuse liberals is not that we think Trump is awful (everyone here does), but that we think there isn't as much daylight between him and people that liberals actually like (say, Obama) on the awful<->not awful continuum that liberals want us to believe. The crass, blatant incivility isn't what we have an issue with (and the fact that it's what seems to bother liberals the most is something we frequently poke fun at), it's the widespread murder and immiseration of innocent people. Consequences, not intentions; substance, not tone.
Definitely not. He's an odious fascist, or he would be a fascist if he had any sort of ideological commitment to anything other than drawing attention to himself. The fact that he was elected at all is a monumental condemnation of the USA. He just has the soul of a problematic Florida drag queen in there, which makes him a tremendous poster.
Trump is a grotesque monster, but he’s hated by libs not for vile actions, but because he was rude. We don’t value civility here, so we can laugh at him when he’s funny, but he and every living American president deserves to be tried in The Hague
See, this is why I don't trust y'all. How can you pretend to be leftist when to you the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he's rude.
How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?
If none of that means anything more than being rude or not, you're not a leftist. You're a cosplayer.
how many oil drilling licenses were given out in the last 4 years
access to health care and education
All presidents are bad, and all advance the cruelty of the previous president. Are we still ignoring covid? are we still imprisoning people at the border?
His policies and the continuation of them under Biden are no fundamentally different in scope or malaciousness than any other previous president. Trump is the most exagerrated symptom of American political rot, not a new disease process.
Here’s one more difference between trump and other presidents: he was less harmful than bush and probably Clinton and Obama. Clinton was responsible for turning the Democratic Party into the neoliberal garbage it is now, bush killed hundreds of thousands of people and devastated multiple countries, and Obama oversaw one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the poorest to the richest the world has ever seen
they're saying the only difference between him and any other liberal. you forget that imperialism and white supremacy are the defacto policy of the US government, regardless of the views of any president.
How has Biden meaningfully and systemically improved any of those items? A small tax credit to pell grant recipients who have 3 or more children is not systemic. Trying halfassedly and failing to forgive student loans is not systemic. Giving everyone $600 is not systemic.
Please give meaningful, concrete examples of systemic items that Biden has resolved? Systemic is the key word here. I'd love to hear what you think Biden has done to systemically address literally any of the items you laid out in your post as leftist ideals. Because you're right, they are leftist ideals. It's just that the Biden admin and the entire Democratic party hasn't done a single thing to solve any of the systemic issues behind those items.
Rights of workers: Biden literally busted Unions. Come on man
Oppressed Minorities: Biden quite literally continued Trump's migration policies when he first entered office. There have been some marginal improvements, but as someone who worked directly in migrant communities and legal aid during the time, I can confidently say his policies have been nearly indistinguishable to the masses of people hurting and need help. There are administrative changes he could make with the wave of a pen to make the process easier, but there's no desire for it in the actual rooms of power within the Democratic party.
Plus, Biden and other mainstream Dems fought against defund the police almost harder than the right wing did. Funding for the most oppressive institution in this country has increased dramatically.
PLUS the fucking democrats never codified Roe v Wade despite having all 3 branches of government.
Protection of the environment: Driving off a 100 foot cliff at 60 mph is quite frankly just as bad as driving off at 75 mph. The Democrats engage in soft climate change denialism. They say vapid shit like "believe the science," but then completely ignore what the science says we have to do which is stop fucking drilling for more Fossil Fuels and switch as fast as possible to renewables. Instead we get weasely promises about investing in green technologies that may or may not actually work out of one side of their mouths, and a dramatic increase in fossil fuel production on the other. They're just green washing their anti-environmental ambitions so useful idiots feel warm and fuzzy.
Access to education: you're going to have to point to something you think is good, because I literally can't even begin to imagine what you're thinking is going well in this regard.
the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he's rude.
Every single other president in history is a war criminal murderous bastard.
The libs didn't like this war criminal murderous bastard because he made it incredibly obvious while doing it, when the operating procedure is supposed to hide it behind a layer of ""professionalism"" (liberal culture).
All of them are bastards, barring none. All of them are responsible for the countless deaths of thousands upon thousands of people all over the world. They're all murdering bastards of empire reaping hell upon the entire world.
You just ignored it until this particular one made it too obvious.
How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?
Lmao absolutely none of these involve foreign policy. It's very telling that you're a nationalist who is ok with the hell america reaps everywhere else. Let's go through them one by one though eh?
Workers rights - lol, like any president in history has ever been pro workers, including Biden who broke the rail strike
Minorities - lol, like any president in history has ever been pro minorities
Environment - lol, lmao even
Health - lol dems have always been great on health right? That's why america still has no fucking healthcare system. Fuck me how naive are you?
Education - 21% of americans are illiterate
It's fucking wild that you people only attribute this to republicans, you're completely fucking blind to the fact that the ruling class owns both of these parties and that they use them both to continually fuck you over while somehow fooling dipshits like you into thinking one half of the capitalists is good actually if only it weren't for the mean half of the capitalists. Fucking open your eyes for fucks sake.
is this a bit? no "other political adminstration" in the fourth reich has done anything about those things except use the empty promises to garner votes in this potemkin democracy. use dialectical and historical materialism or shut the fuck up
Because every POTUS oppresses and murders minorities, destroys the environment, denies healthcare to millions who desperately need it, demonizes immigrants/foreigners, and perpetuate a capitalist system that is going to destroy us in pursuit of the Almighty Dollar™. Trump is not unique in this regard and he will not escape the terror anymore than any other Washington ghoul. He just also happens to treat reality like his own personal ongoing TV series and luckily for us it's more "That's My Bush!" than "House of Cards". It's objectively more entertaining than anything boring beltway insiders have to offer.
If you're concerned about the environment, I think you could make the case that the Obama/Biden administration literally has the worst environmental record in the history of human governance.
How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?
Get back to us when Dems do anything about any of that?
This will echo what others have said: I think Trump was a horrible president, and him being of the capitalist class means I oppose him in a political economy sense. However, the stuff that he did that was bad was bog standard Republican shit: any other Republican would have also cut taxes, deregulated industry, and installed far right whack job judges. And I also think Democrats have done horrible shit; better/worse comparisons are mostly useless as they brush over specifics.
However, I do think he’s fascinating, both in that he may be the perfect reflection of the American political body, and because he highlights fundamental contradictions in nominal American liberal and conservative politics that causes both his detractors and supporters to be extremely neurotic about him. He represents what liberals profess to be the ideal (coastal, urban, private school educated, Ivy League grad, made his money in NYC real estate; shit, any big money Dem donor clicks at least three of those boxes), and what conservatives profess to hate (urban, non-religious, elitist, arrogance), yet the former hate him and the latter love him.
For liberals, it’s that he exposes the lie that elite education credentials stewed in urban culture must always produce socially progressive and competent technocrats, which is why they steadfastly insist he’s some Manchurian Candidate Russian plant because they need to see him as an abnormality and not reflective of the gross underbelly of the meritocracy. For conservatives, he exposes that for all their rhetoric they really love the idea of elites and hierarchy and being lessers to the titans of industry and the state. They just don’t want those titans to be brown, Jewish, or female. So they need to built a weird, cultish mythology around him as an ubermensch, anti-elite elite as to keep up the illusion of them being against hierarchy. All this neurosis is both highly illuminating, and really fucking funny.
However, I do think he’s fascinating, both in that he may be the perfect reflection of the American political body, and because he highlights fundamental contradictions in nominal American liberal and conservative politics that causes both his detractors and supporters to be extremely neurotic about him. He represents what liberals profess to be the ideal (coastal, urban, private school educated, Ivy League grad, made his money in NYC real estate; shit, any big money Dem donor clicks at least three of those boxes), and what conservatives profess to hate (urban, non-religious, elitist, arrogance), yet the former hate him and the latter love him.
This is actually an interesting point that I hadn't considered. There's a lot of analysis about Trump that sometimes goes a little off the deep end for my tastes but this is a good explanation for why he's such a magnet of attention beyond just being a hilariously grotesque figure. He's like a walking embodiment of contradiction. He's like the Missingno of American political figures, a glitch in the simulation. The code of society took in all the correct inputs and yet spat out Trump. This isn't to say that other politicians aren't similarly contradictory in a couple ways, just that he manages to do it in many ways.
Folks, the bourgeois, they're no good everyone is saying it. All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they're right. These bourgeois are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The means of production, obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. Landlords? They're done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Trump you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess whose laughing now?
I'm trying to comprehend how someone would come to think we like Trump, is it the emojis?? In which case, do fediverse people think is in support or praise of this guy? Is it the memes or our jokes that are run into the ground? Is it cause he's kinda funny when he's being a queeny bitch, a majority part of that funniness being derived from GOP masculinity worshippers thinking he is the most manly man in the country? Is it really just because electoral politics is a fuck and no president, never mind dem ones, has been on the side of the working class in over 50 years a category that includes Trump??
I think it's that we point that there's not much daylight between trump and biden. and on actual substantive policy that the two have acted on, there isn't. but libs don't like to hear that.
To use a meme I've seen centrists use time and time again.
My rights are being eroded every day and either they brazenly cheer it on or they silently let it happen. There's plenty said about how bullshit "lesser evilism" really is. War and immiseration continue, the paint job just changes a bit.
We loathe Trump. The jokes/humor we derive from the man come from watching a clownish buffoon shitting across the theater of american politics, and he simply cannot stop shitting.
We think Biden and Trump are very similar in terms of ideology, who funds them, and whose interests they actually represent in terms of laws passed and when you ignore rhetoric.
The fact we think Biden is equally a piece of shit and respect Trump for “honestly” being a corrupt a piece of shit makes it look like we support Trump.
Trump is funnier than Biden and more authentic. Authentic doesn’t mean honest, it means he doesn’t pretend he is other than he is.
Additionally Trump acknowledges that the neoliberal establishment doesn’t represent the interests of the people, and he’s completely right about that. So we join Trump in pointing out that obvious fact but that’s like joining Trump in saying the sky is blue when the Dems are saying it’s a shade of magenta.
Trump is a patriarchal fascist who defends the interests of capital just as much as Biden and so we don’t support him. He’s a piece of shit. He also rejects the pretense of civility which means things might become more overtly violent under his leadership against trans gay and racial minorities which is hellah bad but only in fact a minor difference of degree when you look at the treatment of gay trans and racial minorities under any Dem. Seriously, show me the empirical statistics if you feel shocked or offended by that. So shove it with that shield.
And if you’re Syrian or Iraqi or Yemeni or Afghani etc etc etc etc etc then an isolationist protectionist like Trump is a hell of a lot better than a Biden.
They’re both bad. They’re just as bad as each other, in different ways.
Honestly I don’t want my comrades in the USA to suffer under Trump, that would break my heart, but also I want to see Trump tear this rotten mess apart.
I’m playing both sides because both sides are fucking awful.
some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don't know what's serious and what's irony
As opposed to what, acting hysterical anytime he's mentioned and feigning enough outrage to some moral degree? Calling him a wet boy and laughing at him takes actual agency away from some of the ghoulish shit he does. When you act like he's Voldemort (is that the bad from Harry Potter) and not being able to name him is shit he revels in. Literally everything libs have done to try and combat Trump has fallen on it's face and only made him more emboldened. Not to mention it's simply unfunny and often punches down in the process, like showing him sucking Putin's dick. Nice one, way to throw gay men under the bus too.
He’s an accurate reflection of the sick pageantry that american politics has been. It’s funny. The same way a horrendous car accident we’ve been telling you was potentially possible is. We’re powerless to stop anything, no one listened when we warned everyone. All we can do is just laugh.
there's no way this is a good faith question, but here goes anyway. maybe I'm unqualified to answer this as I'm a quadferret working on my pentacoyote and it'll be years before I'm an honest to god hexbear, but I think that at the root of the Trump banter is a frustration at people's failure to recognize that the American system is gonna keep shitting out new Trumps until we either change the fundamental assumptions american society is built on or the latest Trump actually succeeds in ending democracy.
he kinda accidentally and effortlessly pulls back the curtain on the shit show - the 'concentration camps' on the border become 'processing centers' as soon as is in office - even though nothing materially changes
and the :LIB:s just focus on the new shiny BS that comes along in his wake, the media loves to cover him as it accelerates the diminishing attention span to any material reality
Look at what Trump did today! Get very angry about dumb orange man! Don't pay attention to how the entire hierarchy of US society created him and leverages him to maintain the status quo. Biden needs your :vote: to fix things. Don't recall that Ds had every chance to codify Roe but didn't (because that would end the 'will they/won't they' saga of abortion rights that is so lucrative for Ds).
Throughly about this since around 2016. And they keep saying 'bernie bros did this' louder and louder.
lol the guy is an Epstein-associated, fascist dogwhistling sex offender, it goes without saying we should flush his ashes down a toilet. Feels weird to even spell it out.
But look. Trump supporters are a large group, like 150 million people presumably. Some of them are frothing bigots, some of them are Go Red Ream politics-as-a-sport people, but some of them, I can guarantee you, just want someone, anyone, who MIGHT do something tangible for them, and after spending their lives watching polite, civilized politicians do nothing while people's livelihoods crumble around them, they're willing to take a chance on someone like Trump. And then libs are fucking baffled by this, baffled that some crass pseudo-populist jackass who bills himself as an outsider might pull more support than their bloodless, sneering, polished ghouls.
We find his strange antics funny as hell, and the fact he's so blatant about how awful he is means when he does something evil it isn't annoying, just another part of living in satan's heart. Contrast this with biden, who doesn't do as much funny shit, and gets treated like a saint while doing evil shit by many americans.
No lol, he should get his own white house office - without him knowing - sitcom where he can be president for life and make the wildest content possible while thinking he's actually president. He's a catty bitch that puts out the slop for us hogs and we just can't help but lap it up every time
Not being American myself I have the luxury at being able to laugh at the farcical way he ran the country without being in the direct firing lines of his fascistic policies.
Trump is bad in the same way all American presidents are, and worse in all sorts of new ways.
But every photo op, every speech was like a piece of political satire writ real and you have to admit there's a morbid humour to the whole thing.
I literally stared down the guns of his dipshit would be paramilitaries and I grant you unlimited license to laugh at this circus. The nazi fucks were literally grilling while they attempted to overthrow an election.
To be transparent, I hope he wins in 2024 because he is good at driving the US into the ground, but I would never vote for him and strongly discourage anyone else from doing so (nor doing something with a real impact, like phone banking or whatever).
But I would even further prefer a speedy collapse of the US without his help and that he eats a bullet from some deranged Q guy who thinks he needs to resurrect like Jesus Christ.
Worth noting that he is not more of a warmonger than other presidents, who I also hate, but you didn't ask about them.
I don't support Trump as a president. I don't support Trump as a business person. I don't support Trump as a human that lives on earth. I'd be happy if he was none of those things.
I do think he's fucking hilarious in the saddest worst way possible. Like a jester. Trump is a court jester. I just wish he was being forced to dance on a bed of hot coals and knives instead of on the world stage.
I hate Trump but, in the grand scheme of things, his foreign policy was dogshit for advancing the interests of US power projection and I am of the opinion that he was a real spanner in the works for the imperialist agenda compared to his predecessors.
You might say Trump is strays alarmingly close to fascism and I'd be inclined to agree but I'd also note that what US imperialism inflicts upon the world is much closer to fascism in practice than what Trump is like domestically and that needs to be weighed accordingly, especially given that the US is only one country.
I am not hoping for another Trump presidency. I anticipate that a second term in office for him would allow him to shift further to the right as well, which is a grim prospect.
But at the same time, I'm fairly convinced that America won't advance towards socialism much in the coming few years due to a range of internal and external factors, so I am more concerned with how US foreign policy interferes with other countries and their potential advances towards socialism.
This means that, overall, I would see a Trump win as something that bodes slightly better for the rest of the world than a Hillary or Biden win, for example. (Although admittedly it would suck somewhat more for the people living in America.)
Would I prefer Bernie or West instead? Of course.
So, do I support Trump? No, unequivocally not.
Do I think that another Trump presidency would give some respite to the rest of the world and to allow some breathing room for other countries to move towards socialism compared to someone like Biden? Likely, given his previous presidency.
In an overall sense, from the perspective of "pragmatism" and "harm reduction" (ironically two things that get used as a bludgeon to coerce the radical left into voiting blue, no matter who) I think that Trump would be slightly better from a global perspective in comparison to Biden. But I certainly wouldn't cheer for a Trump victory.
I figure this take is going to ruffle some feathers but a slightly shittier situation for the US under Trump doesn't even come close to comparing to the atrocities that US inflicted on Libya, for example, and Libyans are just as important in my consideration as Americans are. That's going to be a bitter pill for some people to swallow.
Ideally Trump would be locked up, and so would Obama and Biden and Kissenger and Bush and Jimmy Carter... but that's not on the cards, aside from Trump (lol.) I would consider a Trump win over Biden/Harris to be slightly less awful overall.
But this is like asking me if I'd rather eat a piece of shit or the equivalent volume of diarrhoea; both are absolutely awful and I'd prefer neither but one is slightly but notably less awful than the other. That doesn't mean it's not a shit option though.
I only support Trump in the sense that his wildly illegal actions drive the US Empire into the ground and expose how fucking corrupt and stupid our political system is.
If Hillary was elected, the whole Epstein thing would never have been a media sensation. The only reason it got so big is because dumbfuck Donald doesn't have the political acumen to avoid shit like this. The more Donald Trump is in power, the more the seams that form this corrupt system start to unravel. I don't think he's significantly worse than Biden and Roe V Wade being overturned is proof. Biden is leading us into increasing escalations with China and Russia, continuing the covid deathcult, and presiding over an increasingly shit economic system while doing fuck all to stop it.
He belongs in the same mass grave as every other capitalist for his crimes against humanity.
Until then: I would never vote for him, or encourage others to vote for him, but I recognize that he is the harm reduction candidate when compared to whatever war criminal blue maga would run against him. Globally, he reduces the dominance of the US and its ability to terrorize the world by being an idiot. Domestically, he increases the chances of leftist revolution by making liberals angry and treating America like the farce it is. He also invented a stimulus by going off the rails in the speech.
Praise for Trump here comes in three flavours (none of them are actual approval of his policies):
-Just blatant sarcasm/irony/nonseriousness.
-Accelerationism. His blatant idiocy you'd think would make it obvious to more people that the USA's system of liberal democracy is deliberately and unsaveably flawed, and his awful policies might bring about change sooner. Just the fact that he was on the ballot without a riot at every polling station seems to indicate this 'acceleration' didn't really happen.
-Equivocacy. A bit like the previous point, his time in office illustrated how much it really doesn't fucking matter, Biden has overseen Roe v Wade being overturned and done absolutely nothing about it. The choices you get in elections are very close to meaningless and basically nothing but a bit of performance art while the ruling class carry on as normal. It forces the question to be more focused if we're going to engage in absolute bullshittery of 'blue v red are the only choices ever'.
Trump's greatest sin for liberals isn't racism or disdain for Democracy, Bush has him beat by a long shot on both counts, his greatest sin for them is a lack of manners. We laugh at Trump because he is a visible and omnipresent symbol of sociopolitical decline, and also because he is a completely hilarious creature. Maybe the most pro-Trump position on here is an ambient desire for a hard left pro-labor candidate to embody some of his mannerisms and mock the DNC Managerial Class into submission like Trump did with the Republicans, but nobody actually likes any of his policies or ideas.
Liberals embrace the absurdity of a cruel yet indifferent universe that lacks any inherit meaning challenge level; idk actually idk what they think about absurdism.
he is swamp-ass incarnate, our big wet sloppy pissboy, may he one day have a heart attack on live TV. he's not the guy we need, he's the presinald the US deserves.
for context I am a taxpaying US citizen (Death to America).
Trump is genuinely the funniest president we've ever had, and his influence on the aesthetic of American politics and pop culture is probably the most any individual president has had since idk, FDR? In an era where we no longer have regular fireside chats with the president, as they don't actually care about what we think/ in Biden's case probably can't think without a horse's worth of injectable amphetamines, Trump told us what he was thinking about directly in all his deranged glory.
There was no better way to pipeline a lib than Trump. That said, I wish there was an ability to vote 'none' on the ballot.
Trump will be confined to a cell where he can't do anything but post. his term in the gulag will consist of nothing but posting, creating content for us hogs. if studies show that giving him the title of president of some made up place like America magnifies his posting potential, he can have it. but crucially, under no circumstances will he be given any actual decision making power over anyone ever.
I like the mental image of making Trump do experiments like where he has to navigate a maze to get to a Big Mac and every time they change the maze around to test his skills and he's like "These VERY unfair and DEEPLY corrupt scientists don't think I'm intelligent, but I am so intelligent, I remember my professor saying 'Sir, you are the most smart person that has ever walked into my classroom.' Much better judge of character!"
I critically support him destroying what trust was left internationally in the American empire as an institution whose promises hold any value. Also, he is funny sometimes and a good poster. He still belongs in prison with every other president and most politicians.
We have some positions in common with Trump, mostly by coincidence. Opposing the EU, "free" trade agreements, all Democrats, paying for military bases worldwide, and funding and encouraging proxy wars against Russia. Supporting relations with DPRK and ending the war on Afghanistan.
Some libs think because we oppose Biden means we support Trump. We just don't think Biden is the solution to Trump, as they're both symptoms of the same problem, capitalism and oligarchy. We don't support Putin because we oppose the US's proxy wars with Russia, they're symptoms of the same problem.
The left-right dichotomy in popular US media is a center-right v far-right split for us, two hemorrhoids on the butthole of capitalism. We generally don't support the popular narrative. The dichotomy we see is between working class and owning class. Imagine our detractors as oil executives, feds, cops and landlords, and anti-socialist propaganda gains valuable context. We generally support communist revolution as the solution, not voting for outspoken anti-communists.
My view is that trump was bad for Americans, but better for the rest of the world (with exceptions of course), while Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden are bigger threats to humanity as a whole. It’s complicated and hard to measure at this point in time though, Obama oversaw bailing out banks and throwing homeowners to the wolves, and Biden oversaw a million deaths from covid so
Yeah, I would feel fairly comfortable betting that a Clinton administration in 2016 would have been much worse for the world at large but sufficiently dressed up in respectability rhetoric that she would have been Obamaized and there would be threads on reddit like "What was the worst thing that Clinton did? Well, she wore that awful dress in 2018..." completing ignoring that she and Obama are monstrous war criminals of the highest caliber
We have some positions in common with Trump, mostly by coincidence. Opposing the EU, "free" trade agreements, all Democrats, paying for military bases worldwide, and funding and encouraging proxy wars against Russia. Supporting relations with DPRK and ending the war on Afghanistan.
When Trump tells the Truth, it is because he is lying twice
I'm not US, I don't support any US president, and the only candidate I would sincerely (rather than tactically) support is Vermin Supreme.
and I mean that sincerely, Vermin is well-read and principled despite their culture jamming.
I understand that the US national voting system is fundamentally broken (FPTP) so I can understand someone tactically voting for the Democrat Party simply to avoid a Republican Party candidate. But this shouldn't be mistaken for support nor approval.
They're not a right-libertarian, no. They're an anarchist, I recall them talk about Kropotkin being a huge influence in interviews.
If you're talking about the Libertarian Party, they have a socialist caucus. In fact, socialists called themselves libertarians long before US capitalists did. [more info, second paragraph] But also, see Jerbil's reply about constantly switching political parties, I certainly wouldn't take their party association as endorsement.
Anyone who thinks that leftists are secretly fascist and support people like Trump or Putin or any other capitalist pig in charge needs to take a step back and seriously consider how they themselves view the world critically.
Some of the commentary over here and on grad might seem like that but people need to keep in mind that the actual left(stateside, global Southside, or other) are outside the realm of Dem vs Rep 2 party politics. And as such we can and will be critical of any war criminal that is or was or will be the president of the United States.
I think a lot of ideas about us leftists being secretly pro-Trump probably stem from our critiques of Obama or Biden. And those people in the comments on other instances stating that we are somehow fascist bots pretending to be leftists need to figure out how to stop viewing the world in back and white.
Occasionally I've seen someone (there might even be some in this thread) get some stupid 5th dimensional chess idea about how Trump is going to accidentally create the conditions for communism somehow (I saw this for Biden too once). It's the sort of weird nonsense Americans come up with after realizing that our political situation is FUBAR, but they don't want to give in to doomerism and they can't concieve of anything beyond voting every 4 years. It's incredibly stupid and tbh deserves to be bullied more.
Broadly speaking, the main difference between Trump and other presidents is that he says the quiet parts out loud. He is very openly and explicitly bad, compared to the others that put on nice pretenses while enacting essentially the same policies. We often focus more on exposing these "fake friends" because sometimes well-meaning people get fooled by their lies, whereas nobody well-meaning likes Trump. It's just less interesting to talk about stuff where we're all pretty much on the same page.
Out of curiosity where did the confusion come from? In what world would a bunch of principled communists support any US president, much less a grotesque capitalist one?
You asked in good faith and we love posting. It can be a bit difficult to figure out which questions will get honest, impassioned responses and which will get a flurry of ppb.
Every American president is a war criminal. Trump is no exception, he just happens to be an open asshole about it. It's funny watching Libs get butthurt because instead of just bombing poor brown countries, he also insults them at the same time. Every single US president is going to hell if it exists.
Side note, this post feels like bait from the feds. Eat my entire asshole you fucks, I'll never come to your country and mine is too white for you to drone strike me.
the trumpster is a disgusting obcenity, a tacky rich asshole bigot who's gone through life scamming workers, abusing women and all the rest we all know. of course every potus is evil just by presiding over amerikka.
Nobody here actually wants Trump in power, nor do they want Biden or any other liberal. Most of us are communists or anarchists. We want world proletarian revolutiin, the overthrow of the ruling clasd and replacement of capitalism by socialist protects.
Trump is funny, though. He says and does funny shit. Irony-poisoned people like us use his image and sayings ironically and sometimes because they're just funny to reference.
You might find folks saying that Trump is less harmful than Biden or pointing out that the difference is two sides of the same kind. Again, communists and anarchists. We look critically at what the supposed "good guy" liberals do and honestly, if you try to tally up harms or do an analysis of why things are getting more fashy, it's not unreasonable to come to the conclusion that it's a wash or that they're not truly oppositional in character, just different styles to capitalist monstrosity that feed off one another.
I will personally ban anyone who unironically supports Trump. Supporting hardcore reactionaries is reactionary behavior and not allowed.
But, I think we enjoy, in a sort of dark humor way, the ways that he spotlights the contradictions and flaws in our system. There's also an almost incredulous hilarity to the things he is coincidentally right about sometimes, like making American foreign policy less hawkish.
Imagine Trump and liberals as an episode of Scooby Doo.
Trump is the villain and its the liberals who are the "gang".
Only, Trump walks out of the haunted house, mask off laughing and pointing and shouting, "What? You think you can do ANYTHING to stop me?"
And the only thing the "gang" can do is stand in frozen awkward silence because Trump isn't playing his part right and they can't do anything more than what they've always rehearsed.
Nobody here seriously likes or supports Trump as a person but he gets to be the one that constantly shows the world just how much of a sham the USofA actually is. And its glorious.
This is a really good analogy. I would only add that after the awkward silence the gang is told to move in to the haunted house with him. They go along with it while whining about dirty dishes and how much time he spends hogging the bathroom.
HAHA... Id watch a weird "end of civilization" movie where MAGA chuds and some Resistance Libs all wind up in the same survival bunker. The chuds spend most of the run time living out their wildest "end of the world fantasies" while inside the bunker with the liberals being their fodder. It ends with the surviving libs and maybe a few of the less chuddy chuds emerging from the bunker only to find that the "damn dirty authoritarian commies/anarchists/socialists" immediately went to work on mutual aid and organizing the disparate survivors after the initial civilization collapse and the surface was super chill and fine.
At best he's a funny symbol because he's a ridiculous over the top cartoon character. Some of the stuff he says and does is genuinely hilarious.
I have to laugh because I am a trans person. I live in terror for myself and my friends. I have learned to laugh at trump, because I was angry for years and I don't want to give myself an aneurysm.
He's the face of late stage capitalism. I do not support him and I avoid people who do.
I think I speak for all of Hexbear when i say we are all HUGE golfers. When we aren’t talking about trans rights, veganism, our hate for single passenger cars, the horrors of imperialism, or instituting revolutionary socialism across the globe, we are usually talking about golf!
No, I've never supported a US president and never will. First, I'm a communist and a proletarian internationalist. Second, I'm a Luxemburgist and don't support the (inherent, it can sometimes be a useful tool for de-colonial struggle) right of self-determination of nations, so fuck all capitalist states. Thirdly, they've soft-couped my country at least twice.
Trump sucks more than Biden, undoubtedly, he's a nasty shithead and his handlers and handers on are open fascists. They all deserve the wall.
Biden's handlers on the other hand, would regretfully, sadly, slowly, implement fascism to "keep stability and protect the economy for ordinary Americans". They all deserve the Gulag.
Unironically, I think Trump was much better for Europe and the world. Unlike the presidents before and after him, he didn't initiate new wars. He was simply a humorously inept administrator of American decline. In terms of internal politics and policy, Biden is continuing much of what Trump started (such as confronting China, immigration policies, etc); the rest of the political theater is just what it appears to be – a theater. The disparity between Trump and Biden isn't as substantial as the mainstream press suggests, nor as significant as the zealous followers of both camps believe.
Biden swooping in to bomb Nordstream-2 and render Europe dependent on expensive us lng imports was not one I saw coming. The sheer faithless depravity of the us political class is still shocking sometimes.
Trump's policies as president and his rhetoric directly lead to a lot of easily avoidable death and suffering of innocent people who are just trying to live their lives. His COVID inaction alone is responsible for a huge portion of US COVID deaths.
That aside, Trump being elected president again would accelerate the downfall of America even further and that's kinda funny tbh
No of course not. He's a billionaire after all. But he's just one of the talking heads of the same machine. I wish him the same Minecraft machinina parody done by a Minecraft YouTuber such as Captain Sparkles that I wish for all the American politicians. If that Louisiana congress-whatever were in power you bet your ass I'm doing that impression just as often.
Those actually wondering this are less serious in their disdain for Trump than anyone here. The lemmy libs are so deeply in bed with him and what he represents on every level that they need performative assurances.
He highlights how monstrous the US has always been, and liberals can't stand that so they pretend he is an abberation while communists recognise presidents have always been this way.
Yes, as a non-American I unironically support Trump over Biden because he is the best chance at the US collapsing and his incompetence keeps the worst of US imperialism at bay.
I scrolled down decently far, and I'm not sure I'm contributing much, but whatever. I should mention that I consider myself a centrist.
My feelings on it are basically: what does support mean here? I see people complain that we support China and Russia, and I'm not sure how people here meaningfully support them. This is a kind of liberalism in the confusion of being a good opinion haver is a form of praxis and I think it's the result of a too online leftism.
I think what really matters is not some ideological bent over who is "supported", which I guess is posted about online, but what are we doing to advance a political project that advocates for world free from oppression. We could haggle over being in the US with our lawns on Indian burial grounds, and what our place in this world is and I'm amenable to that.
My comrades are the people I know that are advancing that project, I don't care if they think it's epic and yolo that trump had hamberders at the white house or if they think he should be publicly executed, or somewhere in between.
As a general rule for this community: If you're a baby leftist or left leaning lib and if you can't tell if something is ironic then it's probably ironic. If you're a right winger your brain is way too broken to get anything out of this community and also furthermore go fuck yourself.
We're communists and anarchists. So no. But he don't hand wring over it, he's a shitty president in a long long long line of shitty presidents, he just talked like a reality TV star instead of a politician and said the quiet parts loud. As far as any action goes, he's par for the course and far from the worst president of my life time. I was around for both Bushes and as someone that ranks the amount of blood on your hands much heavier than I do civility, Trump doesn't really come off any worse than any previous president.
No, but the guy is funny sometimes, so we have various emotes and stuff that reference famous lines or bits from him. The perception that some lemmy users have of this place being genuinely "pro-Trump" is really confusing to me -- it's no more "pro-Trump" than an SNL bit mocking him, although hopefully more funny (as in, funny at all -- thank god for the writer's strike sparing us from more SNL).
Accellerationists might, as having an idiot at the helm would be a means of hastening the collapse of the American empire. But generally, no. We dont support bourgeois politicians, whether red or blue.
No and that's really obvious if you had read any comments instead of just listening to liberals cope by insisting since we don't vocally support Biden it means we support Trump.
reminded me of this part of a 2016 article from before Taibbi fell down a reactionary hole
We deserve Trump, though. God, do we deserve him. We Americans have
some good qualities, too, don’t get me wrong. But we’re also a
bloodthirsty Mr. Hyde nation that subsists on massacres and slave labor
and leaves victims half-alive and crawling over deserts and jungles,
while we sit stuffing ourselves on couches and blathering about our
“American exceptionalism.” We dumped 20 million gallons of toxic
herbicide on Vietnam from the air, just to make the shooting easier
without all those trees, an insane plan to win “hearts and minds” that
has left about a million still disabled from defects and disease –
including about 100,000 children, even decades later, little kids with
misshapen heads, webbed hands and fused eyelids writhing on cots, our
real American legacy, well out of view, of course.
Nowadays we use flying robots and missiles to kill so many
civilians and women and children in places like Mosul and Raqqa and
Damadola, Pakistan, in our countless ongoing undeclared wars that the
incidents scarcely make the news anymore. Our next innovation is
“automation,” AI-powered drones that can identify and shoot targets, so
human beings don’t have to pull triggers and feel bad anymore. If you
want to look in our rearview, it’s lynchings and race war and genocide
all the way back, from Hispaniola to Jolo Island in the Philippines to
Mendocino County, California, where we nearly wiped out the Yuki people
once upon a time.
This is who we’ve always been, a nation of madmen and sociopaths,
for whom murder is a line item, kept hidden via a long list of semantic
self-deceptions, from “manifest destiny” to “collateral damage.” We’re
used to presidents being the soul of probity, kind Dads and struggling
Atlases, humbled by the terrible responsibility, proof to ourselves of
our goodness. Now, the mask of respectability is gone, and we feel sorry
for ourselves, because the sickness is showing.
So much of the Trump phenomenon is about history. Fueling the
divide between pro- and anti-Trump camps is exactly the fact that we’ve
never had a real reckoning with either our terrible past or our
similarly bloody present. The Trump movement culturally represents an
absolute denial of our sins from slavery on – hence the intense reaction
to the removal of Confederate statues, the bizarre paranoia about the
Washington Monument being next, and so on. But #resistance is also a
denial mechanism. It makes Trump the root of all evil, and is powered by
an intense desire to not have to look at the ugliness, to go back to
the way things were. We see this hideous clown in the White House and
feel our dignity outraged, but when you really think about it, what
should America’s president look like?
Trump is no malfunction. He’s a perfect representation of who, as a
country, we are and always have been: an insane monster. Frankly, we’re
lucky he’s not walking around using a child’s femur as a toothpick.
Trump is useful in the sense that he highlights a lot of things leftist thought about the Presidency but libs are too propagandized to see. There has never been a good, smart, well-mannered President who genuinely wants to lead to help everyone. They were all Trump. They were all corrupt, egotistical, murderous, self-interested, and dangerous. To the most marginalized of society, they were all Trump. Now the people who never had to look at it that way has to and they're upset. It's good that they're upset.
All US presidents are bad. Even Lincoln, even FDR, even Kennedy.
Trump is shit for all the reasons talked about here, but one good thing is he’ll end the war in Ukraine, whereas Biden would likely keep it dragging through his entire second term.
Of course I’m not going to vote for him, but when he does win, it will be unequivocally good for the people in Ukraine.
Of course not. I just dont fall into the illusion that he is any different or better than Biden (or vice versa), because they both serve the same ruling class interests and American Imperialism. I'm also not afraid to laugh at Trump and I find him unintentionally hilarious, which a lot of libs confuse that with me actually liking him.
Trumpism, as articulated or gestured at by the Banons/ Oren Casses/Riehan Salams (or those conservatives who reject the fusionist dead consensus), might have some features which are more attractive than Democratic neoliberalism, but however appealing these may be and no matter if you could square these with the evident deficiencies (other anti-egalitarian or bigoted currents/valences), the fact is nothing like Trumpism (working class trade unionism/isolationism, say) is actually on the menu for any actual lawmaker, including Trump himself (a cursory look at his term evinces this).
So no, Trump is bad, obviously so, just like any other Republican, and he's worse than the libs who are deranged about him, but, to his credit, he's much, much, much funnier than they are.
We support Comrade Nation Builder in his destruction of America's legitimacy and hegemony.
In all seriousness Trump is awful but entertaining. Mostly because as bad as he is, he isn't really worse than the rest of US presidents in the grand scheme of things. He's taken the mask off of America's destructive nature.
i used to believe that trump sucked a lot more than biden; but then trumps actions lead to me being employed when no one else would give me the time of day; now trump sucks just a teeny tiny bit more than biden under the right lighting and conditions. trump followers, however, are worse any most anything else.
It is true that the vast majority of trump praise around here is ironic, however that same irony poisoning makes them think its chill to post racist stuff because nothing matters apparently.
edit: for that matter if anyone is interested in non-hivemind answers to any questions I'm happy to oblige.
2 day old account so could you clarify? Hexbears are not incapable of racism, sexism, and other bigotry, people have been banned for it in the past, but
that same irony poisoning makes them think its chill to post racist stuff because nothing matters apparently
you're painting with a pretty broad brush here, essentially characterizing the entire site as racist, and your edit also calls us a hivemind. From a new account that's kinda sus.
Trump becoming president permanently ruined reality. Everything got worse for everyone, forever, just by him being president. The entire planet will never live this down.