Ukraine continues to target Moscow with drone strikes, forcing the city to shut down its airports
Ukraine continues to target Moscow with drone strikes, forcing the city to shut down its airports
Moscow has closed four major airports that provide domestic and international flights for civilians. Many military airports are still operational.

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DarkMatterStyx How can we get them more drones?
109 7 Replyrobolemmy
They’re building their own drones, and they’re pretty good. They just need money for parts at this point.
76 4 ReplyDarkMatterStyx Wonderful to hear! What's the best way to fund them?
35 1 ReplyHubi
If you want to donate directly to their armed forces, this is the way to go:
43 0 Replyphar For some reason Google pay keeps failing for this. I will try credit card a bit later and report back
7 0 Replytired_n_bored
Also United24
6 0 Reply
gjoel Something like this I gather....
16 1 Replyzephyreks Place orders on AliExpress for parts... Because that's what they're doing.
0 2 Reply