I was on tilt because I took the bait. And then I got confused because I'm like this doesn't make sense gas is safe. And then I'm wondering why isn't a pair of lungs on display not flagged as not safe for work. Then I looked at the forum and then I got even more confused because I'm stoned. And then I realize that's a walnut and it's time for a snack. A roasted one even. Boom roasted. What up. Peace out.
Yeah gas is only "safe" with a full fume hood. Even then not as safe as they used to think, but most people don't have real fume hoods in their home, or don't even crack a window when they use the gas.
We should at least use propane if we have to cook indoors with hydrocarbons
Yeah many people don’t “shut off” their stoves. There’s a pilot light constantly emitting a little bit of benzene. The apartment unit I lived in for years had gas stoves with pilot lights in all the units
Most gas stoves I've used have electric starters, I don't know that I've ever seen one with a pilot light. I'm in the US for reference, not sure how it is elsewhere.
Wonder where EU city gas would be on a good - bad scale. I have never heard about the dangerosity of gas stoves except the obvious (it's like burning) here in France and we cook & heat water with it.
Researchers have estimated that around 12-13% of childhood asthma cases in countries like Australia and the United States can be attributed to the use of gas stoves for cooking
Source: Nationalasthma.org.au
*Stanford University researchers measured emissions for 53 stoves while on and off. *
Seventy-six percent of unburned methane leaked out through pipes and fittings when stoves were off.
A gas stove also pollutes when it is off. A 2022 study found that gas stoves, even when not in use, can leak as much benzene, a carcinogen, as secondhand cigarette smoke. Another study that analyzed natural gas samples found that 95 percent of them contained benzene, for which there is no safe level. That study also found 21 hazardous air pollutants in unburned gas, including hexane and toluene, which can affect the nervous system, liver, and kidneys.