I was a contacted technician at a retail store. They hired a new salesperson, immediately gave me weird vibes. On his lunch break, he came over to show me what I thought was going to be a meme on his phone - it was porn.
Drag shows are not necessarily pornographic, they’re often just theatre and comedy, and I’m confused how you got this impression that they are pornographic.
The most well known drag queen in Australia for decades was Dame Edna (now deceased) and no one would have batted an eye at going to watch her perform with work colleagues.
Sure... But you're using a bad example. And I think that's part of the point... lots of people are lumping things in that just isn't a "drag show" into it to make it out that people like me are anti-whatever.
If we use your example... It's not a drag show... it's a character. One that was put on specifically for comedy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dame_Edna_Everage "Drag" isn't even mentioned on the page. Dressing in drag and putting on a comedy show isn't the same as a "drag show". Eg. RuPaul's proclivity to pole dance and emulate sexual acts on that particular televised series.
Oh so my example of a man, dressing as a woman, and doing a performance is a bad example because it doesn’t fit your clearly borderline pornographic concept of drag shows but I’m missing the point?
No... mandating a corporate retreat to be at any potentially sexual shows are or anything even remotely related to those topics. But you're so hung up on some random fucking minutia that you can't see the forest for the trees.
mandating a corporate retreat to be at any potentially sexual shows
Ahh you were so close to spotting your doublethink.
Remember when I said?
You must think that all women on streaming sites are cam girls by that logic.
We can't endorse people in the office sharing Youtube videos because it's potentially sexual!
That's what your logic boils down to. Each drag show needs to be judged based on its actual content and not preconceived notions.
Also there are absolutely workplaces that include borderline sexual content in after work events, including movies! Some movies even have sex scenes! We can't go watch Shrek because they kiss and imply inter-species relations!
Also there are absolutely workplaces that include borderline sexual content in after work events, including movies!
Any place that MANDATES this would be sued. So no. You're wrong.
You can bring up whatever platitudes you want about "cam girls". Mandating ANYTHING sexual in any form is literally company authorized sexual harassment. It's a big no-no.
A drag show is a form of entertainment performed by drag artists impersonating men or women, typically in a bar or nightclub.Shows can range from burlesque-style, adult themed nightclub acts to all-ages events with sing-alongs and story times.
Using sources that people have linked AGAINST me... It shows the same thing I've been talking about. Just because all of them aren't this way doesn't mean that it's magically okay to do as a mandated corporate event.
It's in the quote as a RANGE of possibilities. Meaning that the show ranges from NR18 to PG. The fact that half of the range is inappropriate for corporate events is literally sufficient evidence that it's not suited for a MANDATED corporate event.
Is going to a movie theater inappropriate for a corporate event? After all, movies range from NC17 to G also. You might say no, you can choose what movie to see and it's simple to pick one that's not graphic and appropriate for work. And I would say, it's the same way with drag shows.
On the technicians line of an electronics manufacturing facility, had a new hire come in on his first day. He was friendly. So much so that he wanted to use my workstation to log into his Yahoo mail and show me some pictures some female sent him. He calls up the photos and it's full nudity real big on my computer monitor. I tell him "dude, we can't have porn at work, close that out." He panics and turns off the monitor. At some point I have to turn the monitor and close out of the browser, when no one is looking.
He was showing a pretty inattentiveness to his first day on the job training just not seeming to want to have anything to do that's any kind of actual work.
Before the lunch break, he announced that he's going to the restroom, then is never seen again. All I could tell the supervisor was that he said he was going to the restroom hours ago then haven't seen him since.